The Celebrate Programme is here!
Click the link below to download:
Celebrate programme-2023
Celebrate program-draft 5-2 (1)
There is still space left on our Willow Spinner and Singing workshops today (Wednesday 7/6/23)
Also spaces for our Thursday 8/6/23 Willow Spinner workshop and a workshop with Curious Crafty making Ojo De Dios with sticks and yarn…see posters below.
Please call or text to book – see number on posters
Join us for a fantastic performance and some great workshops at JNR8 on the week leading up to the Celebrate Festival…and they are all FREE!
Celebrate Festival 2023 at JNR8
Saturday June 10th 12-6pm
Celebrate will be held at our base at the JNR8 Youth & Community Centre/Manley Park Church on June 10th 12-6pm – with lots going on inside and out!
More details coming soon – watch this space for news of our pre-festival workshops and details of our festival attractions and delights!
Celebrate festival – Getting involved
Hello All
The Celebrate festival organisers are requesting volunteers to help with this year’s event on June 10th at JNR8 Youth and Community Centre – with the theme ‘Energy’
If anyone is interested in getting involved, this could be in a range of ways:
– volunteering on the day e.g. a spell on the gate, volunteers food etc
-helping get paid adverts for the programme
– join the planning group
Please contact Carol – email – if you would like to volunteer.
Thanks in advance 

Also – if anyone is interested in hosting a community stall to promote your local group or pay a small fee to run a stall selling craft items etc – let me know and I’ll pass your details on to Lotte, the coordinator. 

I would also like to run some pre-festival workshops at JNR8 – perhaps during half term and/or the week leading up to Celebrate. If anyone has any ideas for workshops or is/knows a local workshop facilitator/artists that could work with the theme ‘Energy’ please get in touch for more details.
Many thanks,

(Whalley Range Community Forum Development Worker)

Coming soon!
Due to changes in our budget Celebrate will now be held at our base, JNR8 Youth and Community Centre and Manley Park church…more details soon!