Chorlton and Whalley Range Dementia Action Group

Chorlton and Whalley Range Dementia Action Group is a Community group raising awareness and making our area a better place for people with dementia

Event 1: 
Wednesday March 12th 7.15pm: Planning for Care
Planning for care in old age; what kinds of care are possible; how to put aside money for care; and legal issues such as LPAs (lasting power of attorney).
Event 2: Wednesday March 19th 7.15pm: Finding and Funding a Care Home
Finding and funding a care home and the financial support available.
All of us may need care, at some point, either for ourselves or the ones we love. This could be care at home, sheltered housing, a care home or other forms of care. It’s a part of life that many of us, for understandable reasons, don’t really want to think about until we have to. However, leaving it until then can make it much more difficult.
Chorlton Good Neighbours, Whalley Range Community Forum and Chorlton and Whalley Range Dementia Action Group have organised 2 public meetings.
Wednesday Mar 12th 7.15pm: Planning for Care
Planning for care in old age; what kinds of care are possible; how to put aside money for care; and legal issues such as LPAs (lasting power of attorney).
Wednesday Mar 19th 7.15pm: Finding and Funding a Care Home
Finding and funding a care home and the financial support available.
Speakers include Lauren Miller from Hugh Jones Solicitor and Angela Catley from WIGO. There will be presentations at both the meetings followed by time for questions and discussion.
Chorlton Central Church
Corner of Barlow Moor Rd and Sandy Lane, M21 8BF
All welcome

About Chorlton and Whalley Range Dementia Action Group

Chorlton and Whalley Range Dementia Action Group alongside other residents and VCFSE groups have created 3 leaflets for people with dementia, carers and family and friends.

The group run local events and activities in Chorlton and Whalley Range to raise the profile of what it means to live with Dementia, and support family and carers who can often become very isolated.

One of the most recent activities has been to collaborate with some local carers and create a set of leaflets about Behaviour Change that comes with Dementia – people often think of Dementia being mainly about memory loss but actually the changes in behaviour that usually come with Dementia can be far more difficult to accept, as people can become quite different (in likes, dislikes and temperament) from the person you used to know.

Dementia and Behaviour Change
We’ve created 3 new leaflets, all of which are focused on people with dementia who change their behaviour over time and what to do. The first leaflet is a general leaflet for anyone. The second is for people who look after someone with dementia and the third is for friends, family and neighbours and why it is important to keep contact.
The leaflets also contain useful information and contacts.

This is the general leaflet for anyone who wants to know more about dementia and behaviour change.


This leaflet is for people new to caring for someone with dementia to understand more about behaviour changes


It can be tricky to know how to ‘help’ someone who is caring for a relative with dementia – so this leaflet has some insights and ideas


To get in touch with Chorlton and Whalley Range Dementia Action Group email:


Find us on Facebook:

Trifold leaflets:




Previous publication from the Chorlton and Whalley Range Dementia Action Group in 2020…


The Chorlton and Whalley Range Dementia Action Group has the ambition of making where we live a great place to be for people living with dementia, and their carers and families. Although Dementia is mostly associated with older age, there are also 40,000 people with young-onset dementia in the UK. If 1 in every 14 of the population aged 65 years and over is living with dementia the chances are that you know someone or live close to someone who has dementia.

Chorlton and Whalley Range Dementia Action Group was started in 2016 by two local people who have some personal experience of dementia. Four years later we are a small but enthusiastic group of local residents and professionals that meet monthly and our recent work has focussed on creating a booklet entitled ’10 Big Ideas for Making Our Community a Better Place for People Living with Dementia’. Research shows that well-resourced neighbourhoods allow people living with dementia to get out and about; maintain connections with people outside of their family; and play an active role in the social life of local places (Dr Sarah Campbell, Dementia and Ageing Research Team, the University of Manchester). The #10BigIdeas booklet is designed to spark community interest and really encourage people to think about how they can play their part in helping to shape neighbourhoods, ensuring that physical spaces, groups and activities are accessible to all; including people living with dementia.

The Dementia Action Group really hope that #10BigIdeas will start conversations in your local community groups, streets and neighbourhoods about how we can all make a difference, and open up opportunities for people living with dementia. What ideas can you try?

Click on the picture to read the booklet…



(Information posted on this website does not necessarily reflect the views of the Whalley Range Community Forum/Age-friendly Whalley Range & Chorlton)