Coronavirus (COVID-19) advice and information

See our Whalley Range Community Forum community directory of local contacts here:  WRCF_CommunityContactBook_2020

We realise there is a lot of  worry and concern about the current situation with Coronavirus (Covid-19) – and we will post the latest information from our trusted sources as we get it…this page will be updated regularly. Please see a selection of links to current information, posters and wellbeing guides below.

Be aware that information is changing regularly so check trusted sources of information for the latest news…


LOCAL UPDATES 11/02/2021

The Chief Executive Officer of Caribbean and African Health Network (CAHN), Charles Kwaku-Odoi was live on Tuesday 9th February 2021 at 18:00hrs on BBC North West and ITV News.
He is encouraging the Caribbean and African community living in Hulme, Moss Side and Whalley Range to take the offer of testing after a new COVID-19 Variant was discovered in the area.
Read more here and please share:

“Act as though you have the virus”

Manchester’s Director of Public Health, David Regan explains the new lockdown rules and why now it’s more important than ever for us all to play our part.

Stay at home. Protect the NHS. Save lives.


Easy Read version of lockdown restrictions full lockdown easyread leaflet

National Lockdown – Stay at home. Protect the NHS. Save lives.

The Caribbean and African Health Network held a virtual panel event- the link to event film  below

Working with the Army, five lateral flow test sites are now up and running across the city.

This targeted programme is testing people without COVID symptoms.

Focusing first on those who are at higher risk of getting coronavirus, and places where the risks of getting the virus may be greatest.

Link to MCC Covid Testing webpage

Public Health England – Better Health – Every Mind Matters help with stress

Stressed out? Take a break, a deep breath and visit Every Mind Matters… for expert advice on managing your stress levels and your mental health

 Beware of loan sharks when surfing online and don’t fall prey to unscrupulous loan adverts on social media. Get advice and support from @LoanSharkNews or call 0300 555 2222 or at

The Whalley Range Community Forum have unfortunately had to close down the JNR8 building, suspending all activities and classes for the time being, but we are working hard to make the building safe for our groups and activities and look forward to seeing everyone again…

See below for current links and a range of advice from support services…

Coronavirus advice and vaccination information in accessible formats for disabled people can be found on the Breakthrough UK Resource Hub

Latest Manchester City Council Bulletin

Read the bulletin by clicking the link below:

COVID-19 Government restrictions

Manchester City Council Covid-19 information:

The Community Response Hub offers support to Manchester’s most vulnerable people to help them cope with the impacts of the coronavirus outbreak. The Hub is open Monday-Friday 9am-5pm and can help with:

  • Access to food
  • Delivery of medication
  • Combating loneliness
  • Managing fuel top-up payments
  • Getting access to services online

Help is also available for other reasons, for example, if you are a carer, care leaver or young carer. If you need help freephone: 0800 234 6123 email: or text: 078600 22876 (messages responded to by the next working day) or visit


You can help to protect your friends and family by downloading the NHS COVID-19 App to keep updated on the latest guidance from Thursday 5 November


Support for people Self isolating with COVID-19 

Where people have been told to self-isolate by the NHS Test and Trace and their income has been affected, they could be eligible for a one-off support payment. Find out more. 





Useful links…

Face coverings: separating fact from fiction – a report from Age UK

Age UK - love later life

Despite being a public health measure, face coverings remain a source of controversy and confusion for many people. Do they primarily protect the wearer or the people they come into contact with? What’s the correct face covering to wear? What about those for whom a face covering might not be suitable?

Professor Trisha Greenhalgh is a GP and Professor of Primary Care Health Sciences at the University of Oxford who co-authored a British Medical Journal paper on the protective effect of face coverings in public spaces. Trisha is therefore the perfect person to answer the persistent questions and separate fact from fiction.

Read more:

Click image above for the bulletin…


Public Health England:

The Government website:

LGBT Foundation advice:

BAME COVID-19 support services in Manchester:

Here are some videos explaining the latest lockdown advice for Manchester in 5 languages:


Urdu – اردو

Sylheti – ছিলটী

Gujarati – ગુજરાતી

Arabic – عربى

Chorlton, Whalley Range and Fallowfield Neighbourhood Partnership update

Please find the latest neighbourhood update (link below) which contains information on services to help keep local people safe and well, as well as information on the CWRF: Stepping Out into a New Normal leaflet / poster, and the second VCSE Forum meeting which took place this week.

There is also a call to action from MCC Chorlton Neighbourhood Team who are running a day of action at Chorlton District Centre on Tuesday 15th September from 10am to 1pm to talk to local residents and businesses about preventing the spread of covid-19. If you would like to join the team around the neighbourhood in getting the key messages out to as many people as possible then please contact me on

If you have any questions about anything included in this email then please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Best Wishes,

Dawn Harris, Health Development Coordinator

Chorlton, Whalley Range and Fallowfield

Tel: 07305943204

Neighbourhood Update – 28.08.2020

COVID-19: guidance on protecting people most likely to get very poorly from coronavirus (shielding) – an easy-read guide

Financial Support for Vulnerable Customers – RBS and Natwest

Both Natwest and RBS offer additional services for their vulnerable customers who are self-isolating, such as having cash delivered at home by a courier, letting a friend or relative withdraw money at a cash machine, or ordering a Companion Card to pay for shopping (which can be topped up over the phone).

The team who manage the Natwest and RBS vulnerable customers helpline will develop a finance plan which fits around the abilities, wants and needs of their customer…..and you don’t need to do online banking or visit a branch to get support.

Call Natwest Vulnerable customers helpline on 0800 051 4176

Call RBS Vulnerable customers helpline on 0800 051 4177

Updated advice has been published by the Government for people who are shielding – it is guidance for people who are clinically extremely vulnerable, including children. It’s also for their family, friends and carers.

·         Here are Frequently Asked Questions about the NHS Test and Trace: how it works from Manchester City Council.

·         Public Health England has published their report (89 pages) from the review into how different factors have affected COVID-19 risk and outcomes

·         Here is information on the COVID-19 antibody tests

This is the current government guidance for the public:

Coronavirus (COVID‑19)

Help control the virus

To protect yourself and others, when you leave home you must:

  • wash hands – keep washing your hands regularly
  • cover face – wear a face covering over your nose and mouth in enclosed spaces
  • make space – stay at least a metre away from people not in your household

If you are feeling unwell, get a test and do not leave home for at least 10 days.

North of England: local restrictions

Find out what you can and cannot do if you live, work or travel in areas of the north of England.

Some more information and general advice

Information from NCVO (The National Council for Voluntary Organisations) to help you decide what steps you and your charity or voluntary organisation need to take in light of the spread of the covid-19 virus.


COVID-19 Community Resource Hub:


Manchester Community Response

If you need help you can get it now by calling 08002346123

Alternatively you can text 07860022876 and we will respond to messages by the next working day.

We have set up a hub to support Manchester’s most vulnerable people, and help them cope with the impacts of the coronavirus outbreak.

We want to help you if you are:

  • over the age of 70, are self isolating and have no support network,
  • if you have received a letter from the NHS advising you are high risk, or
  • you are medically vulnerable according to the government criteria.

We can help with things like:

  • Delivery of food
  • Delivery of medication
  • Combating loneliness
  • Managing fuel top-up payments
  • Getting access to services online

Help is also available for other reasons, for example if you are a carer, care leaver or young carer.

Across the City a community of charities, businesses, community groups and the Council have all come together to make sure you have the support you need during this challenging time.

Get help – 08002346123

If you live alone, are struggling to make ends meet, are self-isolating or generally in need of advice or support please contact us Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm and Saturday 10am to 2pm.

Call our helpline to access the support you need.

We are trying to reach as many residents in need as we can. You can also:

Image may contain: 1 person


Manchester Cares Online Social Clubs

Manchester Cares are running Virtual Social Clubs at the moment, You can see a few screenshots on their Facebook page.  The form to refer people to potentially join in our Virtual Clubs can be accessed here

Social Club Activities include:

·         one focused on creativity/video/memory/wellbeing (run by an external facilitator)

·         either Desert Islands Discs/Pub Quiz

·         a virtual Coffee afternoon/catch up

·         and a Cares Family Disco (basically just lots of great music and dancing in the living room!)

In addition to Social Clubs at Home the referral form also has options for Friendship over the phone, Postal Activity Packs and  Practical Support.

Greater Manchester Bereavement Service logo

Greater Manchester Bereavement Service can help to find support for anyone in Greater Manchester that has been bereaved or affected by a death. No one needs to feel alone as they deal with their grief.

Click here to find out more

Image may contain: text that says 'MANCHESTER CITYCOUNCIL NHS KEEP MANCHESTER SAFE COVID is not over. Don't risk another lockdown. Protect your friends and family. If you have COVID-19 symptoms Stay home with people you live with Get a free test Or call NHS 119'


A useful list of online links to resources and helplines that has been prepared by the library service at Buzz Health and Wellbeing Service. There is a section for local (Manchester) and national helplines and so it is useful for use by all front line workers and community groups when supporting local people with their mental health and wellbeing, particularly during these challenging times.

Helpline Resources

Have you joined your  Covid-19 Local Mutual Aid Group?


The Local Mutual Aid Groups are for residents that want to support each other and their neighbours with shopping, support and sharing information during the Covid-19/coronavirus pandemic.

Follow the links below to find our local groups.

Chorlton Coronavirus Community Response

Whalley Range Covid-19 Mutual Support Group

Fallowfield Vs Coronavirus

What is Covid-19 Mutual Aid UK?

Local organising to support the most vulnerable in our communities

Covid-19 Mutual Aid UK is a group of volunteers supporting local community groups organising mutual aid throughout the Covid-19 outbreak in the UK. We focus on providing resources and connecting people to their nearest local groups, willing volunteers and those in need.

We recognise that injustice doesn’t affect everyone equally and whilst we’re all at risk of Covid-19, there are some people who are more vulnerable and need greater support from the community.

The basic idea is to coordinate care efforts for people who are self-isolating, especially if they are part of a more at risk demographic including the elderly, disabled and people with other pre-existing health issues.

We’re also trying to offer support to those people who are feeling most isolated/anxious throughout the pandemic. For people with mental health conditions this scale of panic can be overwhelming and so community support is vital.

Find a local group:


Manchester Carers Network Bulletin:

Read the latest Manchester Carer’s bulletin here:

Manchester Carers Centre

The Manchester Carers Centre telephone helpline is running Monday to Thursday from 9am to 4pm for unpaid carers to contact them on 01612727270 for information, advice or emotional support with any enquiries they may have COVID-19 related or related to their caring role in general. Their Young Adult Carers service is still running with telephone and virtual peer support activities and Young Adult Carers can call the Young adult carers worker on 07957 836 058.

Age UK Coronavirus

Please share these numbers

It can be helpful to know who you can call, especially if someone’s feeling isolated.

For practical information and advice, call Age UK Advice: 0800 169 65 65

For a cheerful chat, day or night, call Silver Line: 0800 470 80 90


Every Mind Matters has now released expert advice and top tips on how to look after your mental wellbeing if you need to stay at home during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. It also includes guidance if you’re feeling worried or anxious about the outbreak.
Please visit:


Advice to support those who are undertaking social distancing to get through the next few weeks.

The government is advising everyone to adopt social distancing measures. If you have an underlying health condition(s) or if you are aged 70 or older, you need to be particularly stringent in following social distancing measures.

We know that during this period it’s really important that you look after your mental and emotional wellbeing as well as your physical health.

As occupational therapists we are in a strong position to advise people on how to stay well while when social distancing. Indeed many people look to us for guidance and now is the time for us to step forward. We strongly urge you to share this advice with other occupational therapists, the people who access your services, their families, your colleagues and other health and care professionals on what they can do to help them cope with social distancing.

  1. Establish a daily routine. Routines provide structure and purpose.
  2. Balance your weekly routineso you have a good mix of work (activities that have to be done), rest and leisure.
  3. Think about the regular activities that are most important to you. What are the important elements to these? Can you adapt them to carry out in the home? For example, instead of a class, following an online strength and balance routine.
  4. Set daily goals to provide purpose and a sense of achievement. This might include working through that list of the things you keep meaning to do but never get round to?
  5. Identify the triggers that make you feel lowand look for ways to reduce or manage them.
  6. Talk with family, friends and neighboursto help them understand how you feel and how they can help. Can they talk you through using apps on your mobile phone, for instance?
  7. Take care of yourself. Eat and drink healthily with plenty of fruit, vegetables and water to support your immune function and energy levels. For more information see the BDA website.
  8. Avoid staying still for too long. Exercise and regular movement will maintain fitness and strength. If you are working from home, take breaks and eat away from your “desk.”
  9. Have a good sleep routine. If you are struggling, try avoiding tea and coffee in the late afternoon and evening, take a bath, using blackout curtains, listening to gentle music or deep breathing exercises.
  10. Keep in touch. Arrange to speak to someone most days on the phone, through social media or over the garden fence. Age UKand Silverline have people to speak to.

Download a PDF version to share and print:


Dietitians and the BDA ( British Dietetic Association) have been asked many questions about nutrition and dietary issues related to the COVID-19 / Coronavirus pandemic.

Read more:


Coronavirus related fraud

Watch out for Coronavirus related fraud

There’s been a 400% rise in fraud related to COVID-19 in March according to Action Fraud We’ve put together helpful information on what to look out for:

COVID-19 related fraud has increased by 400% in March. Between 1 February 2020 and 18 March 2020, Action Fraud has received 105 reports from victims of COVID-19 related frauds, with losses totalling close to £970,000.

The Majority of the reports are related to online shopping scams where people have ordered protective face masks, hand sanitisers, and other products, which have never arrived. Read more:




Recognized Health Organizations


COVID Symptom Tracker

Take 1-minute to self-report daily, even if you are well.

Help our scientists identify:

  • High-risk areas in the UK.
  • Who is most at risk, by better understanding symptoms linked to underlying health conditions.
  • How fast the virus is spreading in your area

Join the Research:


To all of our Urdu speakers and those who know people who speak Urdu – please watch this video and share with your friends and family. This is some information on Covid-19