Our WALK & TALK GROUP has just started and we had a lovely stroll in the sunshine on Wednesday, followed by tea and cake under the verandah of the pavilion. So, come rain or shine, we will be in the Russell Street entrance/car park of Alexandra Park at 10.45am, ready to walk at 11. We will stroll for approximately 50 minutes and then have refreshments in the pavilion, before leaving at 12.30pm. Gillian will lead the walk, assisted by our volunteers. The walk is open to people living with dementia and relatives/carers. You can just turn up but, if you phone first, then we can look out for you. Walking is widely recognised to be of great benefit to all of us but particularly to people with dementia as it boosts circulation, relieves stress and lifts your mood. It can also help you to sleep better. With friendly people to chat to and different aspects of nature to observe, it should give you an improved sense of fitness and wellbeing. And if you need to build up your stamina, dont worry, as there are plenty of benches to rest on!