LIVE WELL MAKE ART – GM bid to Great Places

LIVE WELL MAKE ART GM bid to Great Places
Great Places is an Arts Council England initiative which aims to pilot new approaches that enable cultural, community and civic organisations to work more closely together. The Greater Manchester Joint Authority has been short-listed for inclusion in the initiative and is in the process of submitting a bid, which includes building on arts and health work in the city region, paying attention to the principles of arts and health as a social movement. The successful pilot areas are likely to be announced in March 2017.
An important aim in GM bid is to make stronger connections between the arts sector (voluntary and professional arts, and cultural venues), the health sector and people living and working in Greater Manchester. At the end of the Great Places initiative, the intention is that arts activity would be a core element of health planning across GM for the future

Read more: Live Well Make Art newsletter (1)


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