About the Whalley Range Community Forum


Read our latest WRCF development plan here:

WRCF Development Plan 2019 – 2024 final

Whalley Range Community Forum – Charity number 1171658

Since 1998 we have been based at the JNR8 (pronounced generate) Youth & Community Centre, the leased community rooms of Manley Park Methodist Church – providing a range of inclusive resident and volunteer-led projects for our richly diverse community, hosting classes, meetings, festivals and Age-friendly events.

We have one full time Community Development Worker – and one part-time Forum Administration Support worker.

We became a registered charity in December 2016 in recognition of our increasing work as a service provider.

The Forum holds meetings every other month for local community groups and residents to meet with those who serve Whalley Range, e.g. Police and Councillors, to address local issues such as crime and safety, planning applications and any other issues that residents and the Forum may be concerned about.

There are 2 charities based here at JNR8: the Whalley Range Community Forum (WRCF) supports groups and facilitates daytime activities for the community and a weekly social and cooking group for people experiencing mental ill health, supports residents to report hate crimes and distributes food bank vouchers.

Another Charity is based here mostly during the evenings.

Whalley Range Youth Opportunities Association (WRYOA) runs an evening Youth Club called Whiz (Whalley Range Inclusion Zone), the Duke of Edinburgh Award and holiday play schemes.

What’s on at JNR8? (Pronounced Generate)
During the daytime and on Friday evenings, the Forum provide activities, courses and social groups, to improve learning, fitness levels and mental health and well being.
We encourage people to join us to make new friends, build confidence, to improve fitness and to learn new things.

We also run a community hub on Fridays for people who are isolated or just want to meet with other people and to support those who may be struggling with the effects of the cost of living crisis. People come along on Fridays to keep warm, have something to eat, access basic toiletries and essentials and support.

For older people we run activities, events and meetings under the banner

Age-friendly Whalley Range & Chorlton.

Our Age-friendly Network is made up of older residents who represent the local community, looking at the priorities of other older people and groups that work to support older people, promoting events and activities and consultations.

The steering group has its own constitution and has achieved Buzz Well being awards for both the Forum and age-friendly projects – and a successful application to the Greater Manchester Mayor Age-friendly Challenge – resulting in Whalley Range being recognised as one of 10 Greater Manchester Age-friendly Neighbourhoods for 2019.
Age-friendly activities include social events and weekly afternoon tea, arts and crafts for well being, Tea & Talk health discussions from an experienced local nutritionist – and annual Festive Feasts a free hot 2 course meal with entertainment aimed at older people who may be isolated over the festive period.

We are a Third Party Hate Crime Reporting Centre which means we can help people to report hate crimes and incidents on the www.report-it.org.uk website.
We will signpost to further support if needed.
Call Manchester City Council on: 08000 830007 to report a hate crime free of charge.

We are also a Food Bank Voucher issuing Centre and we can issue food vouchers for residents in need to visit the local food bank for three days worth of nutritionally balanced emergency food and support for local people.

Contact us

Tel: 0161 881 3744

E: communityforumwhalleyrange@gmail.com and agefriendlywhalleyrange@gmail.com

Term time classes and activities at JNR8



JNR8 Youth & Community Centre, 82 Cromwell Avenue,

Whalley Range, M16 0BG
Web: https://www.whalleyrange.org | Tel: 881 3744|

E: wrcommunityforum@gmail.com or communityforumwhalleyrange@gmail.com
Charity Number 1171658

The Whalley Range Community Forum (WRCF) is a voluntary representative residents group formed in 1995 to facilitate and improve communication between members of the community and those who serve/represent Whalley Range.

The Forum act as an umbrella organisation, bringing residents and local services together to address local issues, to promote consultation and community cohesion – and to encourage participation.
The Forum produces a bimonthly newsletter and residents meetings to address local concerns with Police, Councillors, local council and planning officials, sends out a regular email bulletins featuring opportunities, events and news to around 400 residents from Whalley Range – and co-facilitates an annual local community festival.
The Forum worker supports new and emerging groups to access funding to set up their own community groups, holds funds for unconstituted groups and addresses resident priorities by facilitating relevant classes at the JNR8 centre during school term times.
Classes and initiatives for the diverse local community include mixed and women-only ESOL classes, women fitness, Tai Chi, confidence building sessions,  basic computer and work club support and art and well being classes and afternoon tea for older residents.

JNR8 is also registered as a Third Party Hate Crime Reporting Centre
The community website features local news and events, consultation links, age-friendly news and current vacancies and opportunities. www.whalleyrange.org

Follow @WhalleyRangeorg and @AgeFriendlyWR on Twitter

JNR8 Youth & Community Centre, 82 Cromwell Avenue, Whalley Range, M16 0BG

Tel: 0161 881 3744 | Email: wrcommunityforum@gmail.com communityforumwhalleyrange@gmail.com agefriendlywhalleyrange@gmail.com

(Information posted on this website does not necessarily reflect the views of the Whalley Range Community Forum/Age-friendly Whalley Range & Chorlton)

Whalley Range Community Forum Management Committee











The role of the Forum has expanded to include the development of locally-based projects (at JNR8) including  our learning hub – Generating Opportunities/Work Club/IT/ESOL, Well being @ JNR8 – including women’s health and fitness, health information

Age-friendly Whalley Range and Chorlton :  addressing older residents priorities and including food and nutrition projects, community events and promotion of services aimed at improving the opportunities for older people – in partnership with Manchester City Council Age-friendly Manchester.

Identifying priorities/funding to make use of the building for the local community to provide access to regular classes/opportunities

Developing our social media: a WRCF community website featuring dedicated pages for:

  • Mental and physical health and wellbeing
  • Generating Opportunities: work club, current vacancies, volunteering and training opportunities
  • Age-friendly news and events,
  • Twitter accounts for the Forum and Age-friendly Whalley Range & Chorlton
    The AFWR group is  a constituted group in partnership with local groups and agencies.

WRCF Constitution – Reviewed – Thursday 12th January 2017

Whalley Range Community Forum: Registered Charity Number: 1171658


Whalley Range Community Forum

Registered Charity No: 1171658

Data Protection Policy

Whalley Range Community Forum collects, stores, uses and shares personal information about the people who come into contact with it, both directly from them, and sometimes from other people or organisations.

We need to do this in order to carry out our work.

However, this information is vulnerable to abuse, and it is therefore important to deal with it according to safeguards provided by the EU General Data Protection Regulations 2018 (GDPR).

This Policy sets out the Centre’s responsibilities for the personal information it deals with, and defines a framework for its compliance with the GDPR.


Personal Information – Information that relates to the identity of a natural person and can identify them directly or indirectly. It does not apply to information about companies and agencies.

Processing – the collection, recording, transmission and storing of personal information.

GDPR – The EU General Data Protection Regulations 2018, the EU legislation that provides the legal requirements for responsible behaviour by those processing personal information.

Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) – The Information Commissioner is responsible for implementing and overseeing the GDPR in the UK.

Data Subject – The individual whose personal information is being processed.

Special categories of personal data – data relating to:

  • race;
  • ethnic origin;
  • politics;
  • religion;
  • trade union membership;
  • genetics;
  • biometrics (where used for ID purposes);
  • health;
  • sex life; or
  • sexual orientation.

Data Controller – The person or organisation who (either alone or with others) decides what personal information the Centre will process and how it will be processed. The GDPR requires every data controller to register with the ICO, unless they are exempt. https://gdpr-info.eu/

Data Processor – a person or organisation responsible for processing personal data on behalf of a controller.

Data Protection Officer – the person responsible for overseeing data protection strategy and implementation to ensure compliance with GDPR requirements. This post is not required in all organisations.

Personal data breach – a breach of security (deliberate or accidental) leading to the destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of, or access to, personal data.


Whalley Range Community Forum regards the lawful and correct treatment of personal information as essential to successful working, and to maintaining the confidence of the people and organisations that we deal with. Whalley Range Community Forum will therefore ensure that personal information is treated lawfully and correctly.

Whalley Range Community Forum will adhere to the following Principles of Data Protection. These are based on the principles set out in the GDPR.

Personal information processed by the Centre :

  • shall be processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner in relation to individuals;
  • shall be collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and not further processed in a manner that is incompatible with those purpose(s);
  • shall be adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to those purpose(s)
  • shall be accurate and, where necessary, be kept up to date by all reasonable steps;
  • shall be kept in a form which permits identification of data subjects for no longer than is necessary for the purposes of processing;
  • shall be processed in accordance with the rights of data subjects under the GDPR; and
  • shall be processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of the personal data, using appropriate technical or organisational measures

Data Processor and Data Controller

Whalley Range Community Forum is both a Data Processor and a Data Controller under the GDPR.

As a Data Controller, it is exempt from registration with the ICO because it does not process information automatically.


Data Protection Officer

Under the GDPR, Whalley Range Community Forum does not need to appoint a Data Protection Officer.

Christine Ricard is the member of staff responsible for data protection issues (the Data Protection Lead).

The Data Protection Lead is the key point of contact for staff and other stakeholders in respect of Data Protection legislation. 

Data collection

Whalley Range Community Forum will provide privacy information to individuals at the time it collects their personal data from them, in accordance with the GDPR. This applies to data that is collected verbally, in writing, or electronically.

This information will also be available at all times on the Centre website.

Whalley Range Community Forum will, so far as is reasonably possible, ensure that the Data Subject is competent enough to give consent for processing, and has given so freely without any duress.


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