Local resident Chris Williams is the Creator of the Anne Frank Project…

Local resident Chris Williams is the Creator of the Anne Frank Project…

‘a chronicled storyboard in words and music called: ‘six million voices – one girl – and a diary’

  “Having 2 minutes to talk about the Anne Frank project, made me think about the concept of ‘time’.  25 years ago, the Diary of Anne Frank was planted into my mind and gave me the idea to compose a short piece of music which I called a ‘Trilogy’.
It saved the day by supplying the impetus for the 1st music assignment required on a 4-year Degree program.
     25 years later I picked the ‘Trilogy’ back off the shelf and began working on it as a project.
It took 2 years to compose enough music, create Synopsis’ wordage, gather extracts from the Diary, and gain permission from the  Anne Frank Family Trust in Switzerland, to complete the writing of one C.D.
One year ago I launched the Music Disc and one month ago produced a companion audio ‘Talking Book’.
     Anne spent 2 years writing her detailed Diary.  She died 2 months before the Concentration Camps were liberated.
Anne’s story pierced my heart, because of the inhumane atrocities to which she was subjected;  Anne’s story also strengthened my heart, because of the courage and tenacity with which she endured the horrors of her persecution.
     Through this journey of the Diary of Anne Frank, I have been liberated from my own struggles as a victim of abuse and have found my own voice.  The result is a chronicled storyboard in words and music called: ‘six million voices – one girl – and a diary’.  The story will not end there as I continue to write and compose the Anne Frank Project, because Anne’s life is unsinkable.  Thank you for listening.
chris williams
anne frank project


Anne Frank was a 13 year old girl, living an ordinary life in Amsterdam, Holland.

Caught up in World War Two, Anne lost her life, but left behind an enduring legacy in the writing of her Diary.

During those turbulent times, Anne examined through words and in her thinking, to rationalise everything – the behaviours of other people, and in the party of hideaways with whom she was trapped inside a secret annexe for two years; and the actions of Hitler and his army of followers, of their attempt to wipe out the Jewish population.

Anne own personal feelings towards others, her adolescent mood swings, the daily grinding routines within the secret annexe, her love of nature, God and music, her fears of the unknown, the joy of love as she became aware of her fluctuating emotions for boys, her own self-recognition of developing from a child into a young woman; all of these aspects were recorded into the detailed expressions of Anne two years of Diary writing.

Although Anne was physically trapped and immobilised within the square footage of the secret annexe, she was always moving forward in her mind, through her rigorous and continued education; reading and learning were keenly structured into her two years of enforced hiding from the world. Through contemplation and reflection, dreaming and forward thinking, Anne was constantly maturing.

This ethos I have hoped to incorporate into the music, to make it a travelling music, a travelling experience for the listener, a progressive journey for and in the mind of the audience, encapsulating two predominant years of Anne life.

I advocate that the content and impact of Anne illuminating Diary gives cause to the expression of many manners of musical composition to be explored and displayed.

As for the profound significance of this abominable subject on victimisation, I have intended to produce a sincere and honest music biography of The Diary of Anne Frank.

And through my music, to remind the cause for peace, tolerance, and non-violence amongst all peoples, past, present and future.

Thanks for reading
Chris Williams – Creator of the Anne Frank Project

A Synopsis for each track is available. Be sure to click on the track or its photo.

Celebrate Survey: What did people say about the Festival?


Q1: How does the Celebrate Festival bring the Whalley Range community together?
Q2: Why is an event that brings members of a very diverse community together important?

• An event which caters for all ages, young, old and in-between! One that has activities that are attractive to a wide range of cultures and interest groups. Something for everybody. One of the highlights of the Whalley Range year.
• By having music and stalls that appeal to several cross sections of society. Whalley Range has a diverse society, lots of religions and cultures and Celebrate Festival reflects this.
• it brings rich, poor, middle-class, working-class, young and old together and those from other ethnic minorities besides English.
• This is an opportunity for the vast number of small voluntary and community groups to showcase what they are involved in and promote theri activities. its a chance for neighbours to get together in an informal way. With so many people leading busy lives, its really wonderful to see everyone from across the community in the same place enjoying the activiteis, information sharing and each othrs company.
• Because it enables us to integrate and embrace and respect each others cultures. It also breaks down preconceived barriers by allowing us to share opinions and beliefs and make way for a harmonious society where we can all celebrate each others cultures.
• Community cohesion and integration must be encouraged to avoid people feeling isolated, abandonned and rejected. Events like this promote community cohesion.
• It gets people of all ages, backgrounds and nationalities to come together doing interesting things that they normally wouldn’t.
• People just end up in ghettos if not actively encouraged to mix at fun events like ‘Celebrate’.
• The celebrate festival is an integral part of our community. I have been going with my family since it started and my children grew up with it and now bring their children.
• Everyone I know in whalley range for years always kept may bank holiday free for the festival.
• The event brings all members of the community together and in all the years I have been there has always been a great atmosphere.
• the local young people all get involved as well and it gives them a platform
• In diverse communities like whalley range it is often not the case that people from the diverse range all get along. often the different groups are isolated from each other and never really mix. events like this are a good way to get people from the wide range of groups to talk to each other and share commonalities as well as celebrate difference.
• There’s something for everyone. It heralds the start of the summer. It reminds people that we are a community, and all equal. It offers information about events where people can work together to make Whalley Range an even better place.
• The answer is in the question. We need events like this to remind us that we all all equal and neighbours, and that Whalley Range is a great place to live, and to celebrate it.
• Groups and individuals from every part of the community get involved, and they all bring their families, friends and neighbours. It’s always busy, even if the weather’s not good.
• Because people can see that we all live in the same community, therefore we ARE the same community. Celebrate demonstrates this really well.
• It’s the only event of this scale where we really see people from different backgrounds playing and working together through the arts. Nothing else covered the whole of Whalley Range, and it’s the only chance many people get for an outdoor music festival (major ones are too far away or two expensive).
• For the continual harmony of the community. Without an event like this, I fear for future discourse through lack of joint activities; if this one goes, then what else will go next?
• It is the only opportunity to bring people together who are not connected to a particular school or religious group, and has activities and information for all sections of the community
• It helps celebrate what is good about this diversity, especially at a time of increased negative media coverage.
• The Whalley Range Celebrate festival brings together the local residents to create and showcase local and up and coming talent. It gives residents a chance to meet each other that would not normally and can result in building long lasting friendships in the local area.
• As a very diverse community, Whalley range can sometimes be quite fractured and so this event gives the locals a common focus and goal.
• It’s the only regular event that really belongs to everyone in Whalley Range. Whenever I go with my family we meet up with people we don’t often see and find out about stuff happening in the area. It’s great to see local talent performing too.
• If different groups don’t meet and speak to each other, it’s harder for the community to work together to solve problems like loneliness or antisocial behaviour.
• I think the Celebrate Festival brings people in Whalley Range community together by providing a event that is fun and enjoyable for the whole community.
• It gets people out socialising with people in there community that they may not have talked to before, allowed you to meet new friends (people with the same interests)
• It’s inclusive, everyone has a chance to get involved and it’s a chance to participate in free workshops
• Because we are all human beings and Celebrate brings human beings regardless of their shape or colour together to have fun and learn

The British Muslim Heritage Centre has been made a recipient of Her Majesty the Queen Award for Voluntary Service

The British Muslim Heritage Centre has been made a recipient of Her Majesty the Queen Award for Voluntary Service.

The British Muslim Heritage Centre (BMHC) is very proud that its work in building trust and finding common grounds between communities through shared heritage and culture has been recognised in this year Queen Award for Voluntary Service.

The unique UK national honour was created by Her Majesty to mark the Golden Jubilee in 2002 and to recognise the outstanding contributions made to local communities by groups of volunteers.

​Reacting to the announcement, Mr Nasar Mahmood Chair of BMHC said: “The trustees, staff, volunteers and supporters of BMHC are grateful for the recognition, which can only spur us all to strive even harder to build a stronger and more cohesive society. The BMHC is an organization of committed people, the vast majority of whom are volunteers, dedicated to this cause and have proven over the years that together we can achieve our aspirations”.

Mrs Huma Ali, a volunteer on one of BMHC flagship projects Heritage Community Radio said: “The BMHC has given me the opportunity to serve my local community, develop new circle of friends and gain new skills in Broadcast Radio. I feel that my contribution conveying the message of peace is hugely valued by all, which boosted my confidence in many aspects of my life”.

Mrs Hanna Shafiq, a parent Scout Leader of the BMHC Scouts Group said: “The BMHC provides immense support and an amazing venue for the BMHC Scouts Group. It has enabled us to provide children with the opportunity to be part of a global organisation, the Scouts. Through our hard work, the children learn valuable skills which will take them into adulthood, skills such as: teamwork, time management, leadership, self-motivation, cultural awareness and commitment. We are proud to be part of the BMHC and we are honoured to learn that our volunteering has been recognised at the highest level”.

With over 120,000 visitors a year, benefiting from a range of services, the BMHC always welcomes and encourages people to come forward and support the many community projects on offer, such as BMHC Scouts Group, exhibitions, community radio, and over 30 different initiatives supporting youth, women and other groups.

Notes to Editors
For further press information, please contact us on 0161 881 8062 oradministrator@bmhc.org.uk.
The BMHC is a UK registered charity. Registered Charity Number: 1110104

Duke of Edinburgh’s Award: Generate our Kitchen consultation by young people

Image result for duke of edinburgh's award logo

Generate our Kitchen has been consulting with representatives of the groups of people who already use the building, displaying our noticeboards and distributing surveys to local people at events and via our social media pages…

Whalley Range Youth Opportunities Association (WRYOA) runs an evening Youth Club – called Whiz (which stands for Whalley Range Inclusion Zone) – and holiday play schemes.

The Whiz project young people who are working towards their Duke of Edinburgh Award have recorded interviews with building users to find out their thoughts about the current facilities and the benefits of a new kitchen.

Listen to some of the interviews here:


Universal Credit: Important news from Alex Park Jobcentre (in English, Arabic and Farsi)

October  2017

Image result for universal credit logo manchester Image result for Jobcentre logo manchester


During the next few weeks you may notice a few changes within your Jobcentre

These changes may include temporary changes to your work coach, the layout of the jobcentre and you being asked a few more questions when you attend about your digital skills.


All of these things are to prepare for

Wednesday 25th October 2017

when we will become a UNIVERSAL CREDIT FULL SERVICE Jobcentre.


**** PLEASE READ ****

The way the Department of Work & Pensions delivers its services to claimants has been gradually changing as part of the Government Welfare to Work programme.

As part of those changes all our customers will need to make sure they can access the new online Digital Service to complete their claims online and notify of us of changes to their circumstances.

You will be notified by letter of when the changes will affect you.

If you are familiar with using digital online services, i.e. you have an up to date email account which you use regularly, shop or bank online then you will have no problem following the changes to claiming or contacting the Jobcentre via the new online service.



You will have an online Universal Credit account to manage your claim. You can use your account to report changes, send messages to your work coach and find support.

Eventually all claims will be on the full service and you will have a Universal Credit online account.


The Team

Alex Park Jobcentre


                    **                       ** معلومات هامة للعملاء
خلال الأسابيع القليلة المقبلة قد تلاحظ بعض التغييرات داخل مركز العمل الخاص بك.
قد تشمل هذه التغييرات تغييرات مؤقتة على مدرب العمل الخاص بك، وتخطيط مركز.

العمل وكنت يطلب بعض الأسئلة أكثر عند حضور حول المهارات الرقمية الخاصة بك.


كل هذه الأمور هي للتحضير
الأربعاء 25 أكتوبر  2017
عندما سنصبح مركز كريديت كامل خدمة مركز العمل.

                       ****** ارجوك اقرأ *******                     

والطريقة التي تقدم بها إدارة العمل والمعاشات خدماتها للمطالبين تتغير تدريجيا كجزء من برنامج الرعاية الاجتماعية للعمل.
وكجزء من هذه التغييرات، سيتعين على جميع عملائنا التأكد من إمكانية وصولهم إلى الخدمة الرقمية الجديدة عبر الإنترنت لاستكمال مطالباتهم عبر الإنترنت وإخطارنا بالتغييرات التي تطرأ على ظروفهم.

سيتم إعلامك بكتاب عندما التغييرات سوف تؤثر عليك.
إذا كنت معتادا على استخدام الخدمات الرقمية عبر الإنترنت، بمعنى أن لديك حساب بريد إلكتروني محدث تستخدمه بشكل منتظم أو تسوقه أو تتعامل معه عبر الإنترنت، فلن تواجهك أية مشكلة بعد إجراء تغييرات على المطالبة أو الاتصال بمركز العمل عبر الخدمة الجديدة عبر الإنترنت.


إذا لم تكن متأكدا من أي مما سبق سوف تحتاج إلى الاتصال بك العمل كوتش وطلب المساعدة على ما يجب القيام به المقبل.
الفشل في القيام بذلك قد يؤدي إلى أن يكون لديك صعوبة في المطالبة أو الوصول إلى المنافع الخاصة بك.

سيكون لديك حساب ائتمان عالمي عبر الإنترنت لإدارة مطالبتك.
يمكنك استخدام حسابك للإبلاغ عن التغييرات، وإرسال رسائل إلى مدرب العمل الخاص بك.

والعثور على الدعم في نهاية المطاف جميع المطالبات ستكون على الخدمة الكاملة وسيكون لديك حساب الائتمان العالمي على الانترنت.



أليكس بارك مركز العمل

                    **                      **اطلاعات مهم مشتریاند

چند هفته آینده ممکن است چندین تغییر در مرکز شغلی شما مشاهده شود.این تغییرات ممکن است شامل تغییرات موقتی به مربی کار شما، طرح مرکز کار و همچنین سوالاتی باشد که شما در مورد مهارت های دیجیتالی خود به آنها مشغول هستید.


     Ù‡Ù…Ù‡ اینها برای آماده شدن آماده

استچهارشنبه 25 اکتبر 2017

هنگامی که ما تبدیل به یک مرکز خدمات کامل خدمات اعتباری UNIVERSAL می شود.


لطفا *************

راهکارهایی که وزارت کار و حقوق بازنشستگی آن را ارائه می دهد، خدمات به متقاضیان است به تدریج به عنوان بخشی از برنامه رفاهی دولت برای کار در حال تغییر است.

به عنوان بخشی از این تغییرات، مشتریان ما باید اطمینان حاصل کنند که می توانند به سرویس جدید دیجیتال آنلاین دسترسی داشته باشند تا ادعاهای خود را به صورت آنلاین تکمیل کنند و از تغییرات در شرایط آنها مطلع شوند.


شما از طریق نامه اعلام می کنید که تغییرات.

شما را تحت تاثیر قرار دهداگر با استفاده از سرویس های آنلاین دیجیتال آشنا هستید، به عنوان مثال شما دارای حساب ایمیل روزانه خود هستید که به طور منظم، فروشگاه یا


بانک آنلاین را استفاده می کنید و پس از تغییرات به ادعای یا تماس با مرکز شغلی از طریق.


اگر شما با هیچ کدام از موارد فوق موافق نباشید، باید با شما تماس بگیرید و درخواست کنید که چه کاری انجام دهید.

ناکامی در انجام چنین کاری ناشی از عدم وجود مزایا و مزایای شما است.

برای اداره ادعای شما یک حساب اعتباری آنلاین جهانی خواهید داشت.شما می توانید از حساب خود برای گزارش تغییرات، ارسال پیام به مربی کار خود و پیدا کردن پشتیبانی استفاده کنید.

در نهایت تمام ادعاها در سرویس کامل خواهند بود و شما یک اعتبار آنلاین اعتباری جهانی خواهید داشت.




تجارت الکس پارک


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