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The Forum act as an umbrella organisation, bringing residents and local services together to address local issues, to promote consultation and community cohesion – and to encourage participation.
The Forum produces a bimonthly newsletter and residents meetings to address local concerns with Police, Councillors, local council and planning officials, sends out a regular email bulletins featuring opportunities, events and news to around 400 residents from Whalley Range – and co-facilitates an annual local community festival.
The Forum worker supports new and emerging groups to access funding to set up their own community groups, holds funds for unconstituted groups and addresses resident priorities by facilitating relevant classes at the JNR8 centre during school term times.
Classes and initiatives for the diverse local community include mixed and women-only ESOL classes, women fitness, Tai Chi, confidence building sessions, basic computer and work club support and art and wellbeing classes and afternoon tea for older residents. JNR8 is also registered as a Third Party Hate Crime Reporting Centre.
The community website features local news and events, consultation links, age-friendly news and current vacancies and opportunities.
Follow @WhalleyRangeorg and @AgeFriendlyWR on Twitter
JNR8 Youth & Community Centre, 82 Cromwell Avenue, Whalley Range, M16 0BG
Tel: 0161 881 3744 | Email: communityforumwhalleyrange@gmail.com agefriendlywhalleyrange@gmail.com
Volunteer Centre Manchester provides information, support and training to Manchester residents who want to volunteer.
We also support Manchester based organisations who want to recruit volunteers, need help and advice to develop new roles, introduce/update policies and procedures or have a training need.
Volunteering and Benefits – If you are receiving state benefits you are still allowed to volunteer. This guidance gives an overview of what you need to know before you start volunteering.
Manchester Suicide Prevention Plan 2017_19
Stakeholder bulletin issue 4 version 4 formatted
ChWR Public Mtgs March 2017 – Flyer V 0 2
Would you like the opportunity to work with healthcare and public sector staff, to influence decision making and be involved in real change to health and wellbeing services in south Manchester?
We are looking for patient and voluntary and community sector representatives from across south Manchester to work alongside health and public sector staff to be involved in a Systems Leadership Programme. Running from January to March 2017, this programme is about how we lead and create change across organisational boundaries and with different sectors when we are not necessarily in charge. At the moment, we all struggle to make resources meet demand and were often trying to find solutions on our own to large and complex problems. Systems Leadership aims to bring organisations together in order to achieve better outcomes.
In south Manchester, University Hospital South Manchester NHS Foundation Trust in partnership with Macc (the local voluntary and community sector support organisation for the city of Manchester), Manchester City Council, registered housing providers and VCSE sector colleagues has recently secured a grant of £20,000 from the NHS North West Leadership Academy to develop a Systems Leadership culture among people interested in health, social care and wellbeing in south Manchester.
This programme will launch on Tuesday 24 January 2017 and will involve a series of masterclasses delivered by national and local leaders, exchange visits, shadowing opportunities, reflective learning and more, and will run until the end of March 2017.
The first masterclass on 24 January 2017 will be held from 10am to 4pm in central Manchester and delivered by Debbie Sorkin, National Director of Systems Leadership at The Leadership Centre, followed by lunch and an afternoon workshop to discuss what we have learnt and how we can work together in South Manchester.
The ambition is to foster a new culture where there is a desire by the public sector, housing providers, local authorities, the voluntary and community sector, healthcare providers and patient leaders to work collaboratively and use creative approaches in order to address the shared challenges that are faced across the community in line with the wider transformational programmes in Manchester. The aim is to help create a health care system for the future and redefine what it means to be healthy and live well.
This programme is open to anyone interested in health and wellbeing in south Manchester and we aim to get a great mix of people from across different sectors and from members of the community who access services in south Manchester.
To register your interest and book a place at the January masterclass, please email Helen Walker at helen@macc.org.uk with your name, job title and organisation (if applicable) and why you would like to be involved. Please note that this programme isnt specifically for managers or people already in a formal leadership position. It for anyone willing to work together and make a change.
If you cannot make the first masterclass but would still like to be involved in the programme, please contact Helen. If we receive interest from more than thirty people, we will do our best to make sure that there is equal involvement across sectors and crucially from members of the community that are already accessing services in south Manchester and want to be more involved.
For more information on Systems Leadership, please contact Claire Tomkinson, Macc Wellbeing Development Lead on 0161 834 9823 or at claire@macc.org.uk
The Friends of Alexandra Park are opening Chorlton Lodge on a regular basis as an information point, from the 18th January.
Initially the Information Point will be open on Wednesdays and Fridays 11.00am until 2.00pm,.
It will be staffed by “Alexandra Park Ambassadorsâ€, who will be on hand to answer questions about what events are happening in the Park, show people around the exhibitions in the Lodge and to welcome visitors to the Park.
So if you’re passing why not pop in!
LIVE WELL MAKE ART GM bid to Great Places
Great Places is an Arts Council England initiative which aims to pilot new approaches that enable cultural, community and civic organisations to work more closely together. The Greater Manchester Joint Authority has been short-listed for inclusion in the initiative and is in the process of submitting a bid, which includes building on arts and health work in the city region, paying attention to the principles of arts and health as a social movement. The successful pilot areas are likely to be announced in March 2017.
An important aim in GM bid is to make stronger connections between the arts sector (voluntary and professional arts, and cultural venues), the health sector and people living and working in Greater Manchester. At the end of the Great Places initiative, the intention is that arts activity would be a core element of health planning across GM for the future
Read more: Live Well Make Art newsletter (1)
A community group, Age-Friendly Whalley Range, went for a walk near the Whalley Range Community Forum base to discuss ways in which the streets could become more age-friendly.
Cllr Mary Watson and Patrick Hanfling of Age-Friendly Manchester joined the group in their investigation.