Older People’s Experiences of Urban Life and the Role of the Neighbourhood

Older People’s Experiences of Urban Life and the Role of the Neighbourhood
25 May, St Thomas Centre
The first in an Ambition for Ageing seminar series examining topical areas of discussion that are being highlighted through AfA programme’s outcomes. This seminar will look at how older people relate to their neighbourhood and community within an urban environment like Manchester and other Greater Manchester districts.
The session will be delivered by Chris Phillipson, Professor of Gerontology at the University of Manchester.

Where does volunteering go from here? Come and have your say
23 June, St Thomas Centre
What the future for volunteering in Greater Manchester? With cuts to public spending, the demand for services provided by the VCSE sector and the need for volunteers will only increase. You are invited to this event to give your views on the future of volunteering in our region and to have your say on the development of the Volunteering Greater Manchester network.

My vision for policing – a message from Tony Lloyd

My vision for local policing

One of my most important jobs is setting the priorities for policing and community safety in Greater Manchester.  After speaking to elected representatives, local organisations, community groups, businesses and many individuals across Greater Manchester, Ive identified six key priorities for policing and community safety. These set out how Greater Manchester Police will work with local councils, health, other agencies and – most importantly of all – local people, to make Greater Manchester safer and stronger.

Weve made a short film to explain the plan which you can see here:


These arent really my priorities – they belong to us all. Delivering them will be challenging as we face cuts in government finding to our local services. But it is ambitious programme, which I believe we can deliver together.

Ultimately this is about all of us working together to make Greater Manchester even greater.  It puts the people of Greater Manchester at its heart.

You can read the plan in full by visiting:


This is an ongoing conversation and, as ever, I would be really pleased to hear your views.

Kind regards

Tony Lloyd

Greater Manchester Mayor, and Police & Crime Commissioner


Community safety, GMP news and Hate Crime Reporting


GMCVO joins Greater Manchester Ageing Hub


The Centre for Ageing Better has joined GMCVO as a member of the Greater Manchester Ageing Hub.

The news comes as part of an announcement of a five-year partnership between the Centre for Ageing Better and the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) to develop and share innovative approaches to tackling social, economic and health inequalities in later life.

The Greater Manchester Ageing Hub has been established by the GMCA to bring together plans to support older people (50 plus) living in Greater Manchester.

The Hub will gather best practice around achieving healthy ageing while exploring new ideas and solutions for developing age-friendly neighbourhoods across the region. Research will also be carried out over a range of issues facing older workers, especially those affected by redundancy and long-term unemployment.

Other members of Greater Manchester Ageing Hub are New Economy, Public Health England and Manchester Institute for Collaborative Research on Ageing (MICRA).

Further information via the link below.

Centre for Ageing Better announces ground-breaking partnership to tackle inequalities in later life in Greater Manchester

News | Ageing Better | 18 March 2016

The Centre for Ageing Better and Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) today announce a five-year partnership to develop and share innovative approaches to tackling social, economic and health inequalities in later life.

The City of Manchester is recognised internationally for its work as an age-friendly city. Today the combined leadership of Greater Manchester commits to expanding these benefits to those living in the wider city region, positively impacting an additional 2.2 million people.

Ageing Better will capture evidence about what works to help ensure a good later life, and will work through the Greater Manchester Ageing Hub[1] to apply this to drive improvements across Greater Manchester.

Ageing Better has chosen Greater Manchester as its first locality partner because of the devolved powers[2] it holds as a city region, and its commitment to supporting ageing well in its drive to transform health and social care. Jointly, Greater Manchester and Ageing Better will share the learning and success from this partnership with other localities and with national governments in UK and abroad.

Ageing Better and GMCA share an ambitious goal to help many more people aged 50 and over stay in work and get into work.

Employment rates for people living in the North West of England are significantly worse than the English average and in Greater Manchester almost one in three of the region 50-64 year olds are not working.[3]

It is estimated that boosting the number of people in work aged 50 years and over in the region to the all-age Greater Manchester average could increase Gross Value Added[4] by as much as £901.6m.

Ageing Better and GMCA will start by developing and testing a new approach to supporting people aged 50 years and over re-enter the labour market. Being out of work in one 50s is a key risk factor for a poor later life; associated with poor health, financial insecurity and social isolation.

As well as benefiting the local economy, helping individuals to get back to work will give them a better chance of enjoying a good later life.

Ageing Better and GMCA will also work together to ensure that current and future housing meets the needs of an ageing population.

Anna Dixon, Chief Executive of the Centre for Ageing Better, said:

“Greater Manchester is in an ideal position to use its devolved powers to respond positively to its ageing population. This is a unique opportunity to demonstrate how a large scale and evidence-based approach to creating an age-friendly region can transform experiences of later life.

“Too many people currently miss out on a good later life. This not only affects individuals, but also communities and the wider economy. By working in partnership with localities we will develop and test new ways of supporting individuals, and unlock the potential within their communities.

“This is the first of our locality partners. Over the next few months we will be talking to leaders in other areas to identify places that share our ambition, our commitment to evidence and can deliver at scale.”

Tony Lloyd, Interim Mayor for Greater Manchester said:

“I want Greater Manchester to be the UK most age-friendly city-region. 

“Greater Manchester has an ambitious targets to boost employment rates amongst older people. This can help grow our economy and improve the lives of older people in our city-region. 

“But I want to go further and look at how we can use the powers we now have in Greater Manchester to improve even more aspects of older people lives.  That why Im delighted Greater Manchester is to be the Centre for Ageing Better first locality partner. 

“By working together as part of Greater Manchester Ageing Hub we will be able to make better decisions locally that improve the lives of older people right across Greater Manchester.”

Lord Peter Smith, lead on health and social care for the Greater Manchester Combined Authority, said:

“We know that in Greater Manchester we have an increasingly ageing population. Although this is a challenge to address some of the issues facing older people in Greater Manchester, it is also an opportunity to use their experience, wisdom and talents for the benefit of everyone.

“By tackling issues around work, social isolation, and living conditions, as well as wider attitudes and perceptions of getting older, we can have a significant impact not only physical health, but mental wellbeing too.”

Lord Geoffrey Filkin, Chair of the Centre for Ageing Better, said:

“We are delighted to be partnering with Greater Manchester to work to improve later lives in the region. Manchester is already highly respected for its early work on age-friendly places. However the ambition and leadership of the new combined authority has greatly impressed us and we are keen to work with them to show how devolved powers over health and welfare combined with strong leadership have the potential to transform lives and places to make for better later lives.

“Our partnership with Greater Manchester will support nearly three million people living in the area. As we share what we learn together about what works, we will secure changes across the country so that more people in more places enjoy a good later life.”

Find out more about Ageing Better approach to building strategic locality partnerships, or join the conversation on Twitter@Ageing_Better. Sign up to receive news direct to your inbox.


For further enquiries please contact Laura Hedges (laura@forster.co.uk) or Harry Day (harry@forster.co.uk) on 0207 403 2230.


Notes to editors

About the Centre for Ageing Better:

The Centre for Ageing Better is an independent charitable foundation working to help everybody enjoy a good later life. We strengthen, share and apply evidence around how people can age better. We bring fresh thinking to the challenges and opportunities that everyone faces as more people live longer. Working in partnership with people and collaborating with a diverse range of organisations, we create measureable change for the long-term. The Centre for Ageing Better is supported by funding which includes a £50 million endowment from the Big Lottery Fund.


Big Lottery Fund

  • The Big Lottery Fund supports the aspirations of people who want to make life better for their communities across the UK. We are responsible for giving out 40% of the money raised by the National Lottery and invest over £650 million a year in projects big and small in health, education, environment and charitable purposes.
  • Since June 2004 we have awarded over £8 billion to projects that make a difference to people and communities in need.
  • Since the National Lottery began in 1994, £34 billion has been raised and more than 450,000 grants awarded.

Greater Manchester

  • In Greater Manchester almost one in three of the region 50-64 year olds are economically inactive (Annual Population Survey, Oct 2014 – Sep 2015)
  • Currently, there are 98,000 Greater Manchester residents aged 50-64 in receipt of one or more of the DWP working age benefits (such as Jobseekers Allowance or Employment and Support Allowance) (Nomis, 2015)
  • By 2036, it has been projected that:
  • 14% of Greater Manchester population will be 75 and over, an increase of 75% from 2011
  • one in three men aged 75 will be living alone
  • GM will see an 85% rise in the number of people diagnosed with some form of dementia (to 61,000 people)

[1] GMCA has established a new Ageing Hub to support its activities. Ageing Better joins the hub alongside the Manchester Institute for Collaborative Research on Ageing (MICRA), New Economy, Public Health England and Greater Manchester Centre for Voluntary Organisation (GMCVO)

[2] This includes control of its £6 billion per annum health and social care budget, which has been supplemented with a £450 million transformational fund to effect a lasting step change in how services are delivered

[3] Economic activity rate for 50-64 year olds in Greater Manchester is 67.7% compared to an England average of 72.2%. (Annual Population Survey, Oct 2014 – Sep 2015)

[4] GVA measures the contribution to the economy of each individual producer, industry or sector in the UK.

Alexandra Heritage Group- sub group “The Women’s Peace Crusade”


The Alexandra Park Heritage Group have been invited to join with Ali Ronan and others- see  attached Pdf /Flyer- to recreate the Women’s Peace Crusade of 1916-1917 and their struggle to prevent WW1. A sub group has met to determine what needs to be done.

To help us to do this, we would like to invite you to a meeting in Chorlton Lodge in Alexandra Park on Friday 10th June at 11 am to discuss the following and get your views and if possible, your help and support.

We hope to recreate a peace rally in Alexandra Park , the first weekend in October, and it will be part of a video and book.

Ali has already made a video “These Dangerous Women” and it will be a similar format. We also hope to make the video relevant for those struggling for peace today._see link to video


Alex Park has been chosen as there were prominent Conscientious Objectors living near the Park. The Park was used as a place for the rallies, and, there is documented evidence of this.

We need a variety of help to make this work.

We need people willing to research individuals and identify those individual women who were part of the Manchester Peace Crusades, although Ali has already done a great deal of local research to identify some of the women involved.

We need women to speak /role play those women in the video (see the video that has already been made as to what this might mean.),

We need others to be the “crowd” at the rally. Ali has authentic copies of some of the historic leaflets, which some women in the crowd can distribute.

All taking part need to dress in Edwardian costume-( see the video). We need help with costumes.

We need help with making a banner and placards and badges.

We hope to have support from a choir to sing peace songs.

SO- we hope this recreation of history in both a serious and “fun” way will appeal to you and you will want to join in
If you cannot make the meeting, but want to take part, please let us know.

Women’s Peace Crusade
Angela Downing, Jenny Riley and Jenni Gomes

Alexandra Park Heritage Group

Improving with age? How city design is adapting to older populations

As cities experience a demographic shift, the need for age-friendly design is becoming ever more critical. From almshouses to driverless cars, the future of urban housing and mobility may just be shaped for and by the elderly

(Guardian article – Alice Grahame, Monday 25th April)

An elderly woman in Stockport town centre. Photograph: Christopher Thomond for the Guardian

There is no denying it: like it or not we are all getting older. According to theUN World Population Prospects report, the global population of older people is growing at an unprecedented rate. By 2050, for the first time in human history, there will be more over-65s than children under 15. The number of people over 100 will increase by 1,000%. And as by then 70% of the world population will likely live in cites, this will present huge challenges, and cities will need to adapt.

Of course an ageing population is not inherently a bad thing: it reflects improved health and rising life expectancies. However, as we age, our housing, transport and social needs change. By preparing for this, policymakers, town planners and architects can make it more likely that older populations can still lead fulfilling lives.

The global engineering firm Arup has looked at how authorities are responding to this demographic shift. Stefano Recalcati, project leader behind the firm reportShaping Ageing Cities, explains that cities must adjust if older people are to maintain quality of life: “It important to be conscious of the ageing trend. It is a huge challenge for world cities – they will need to change, to make sure older people continue to play an active role in the community and dont become isolated. Isolation has a negative impact on health so tackling that is really important.”

“Small innovations can make a difference,” Recalcati adds. “Older people are less likely to drive, favouring public transport and walking. The average person over 65 manages a walking speed of 3km/hour. At 80 that goes down to 2km/hour, compared with the average for a working age person of 4.8km/hour. Reducing the distance between transport stops, shops, benches, trees for shade, public toilets and improving pavements and allowing more time to cross the road all encourage older people to go out.”

In the UK, the government has just announced the building of 10 new townsdesigned to address ageing and health issues such as obesity. As well as encouraging more active lifestyles, the designs could include wider pavements, few trip hazards and moving LCD signs, making the streets easier to navigate for people with dementia and other age-related conditions. London-based charityLiving Streets has also been working alongside communities carrying out street audits with older residents to see what improvements could be made, as well as campaigning at a strategic level to influence positive legislative and infrastructure changes. Their project Time to Cross campaigned to increase pedestrian crossing times which resulted in Transport for London (TfL) agreeing to a review.

Cities that have addressed accessibility are likely to be ahead of the game in age-friendliness. In recent years there have been efforts to make cities more accessible to both disabled and elderly residents and visitors. Berlin is aiming for 100% accessibility by 2020. The city authorities are working to widen pavements, bring in tactile guidance at road crossings and easier access to trams and buses. This year Milan won the European Commission Access City Award for its high standard of building design and access to transport.

What lessons can urban planners learn from looking at existing retirement communities? These are popular in the US and growing in other parts of the world: separate towns, often gated, for over-55s. Deane Simpson, an architect who teaches at the Royal Danish Academy of Arts in Copenhagen, recently spoke at an event organised by Museum of Architecture and The Building Centre in London about designing cities for an ageing population. In his book Young-Old: Urban Utopias of an Ageing Society, Simpson looks at communities likefor 55-75 year olds who are retired and in good health with money to spend. One scheme The Villages in Florida, a network of “village” developments housing 115,000 over-55s linked by a 90-mile network of car-free golf-cart roadways – and offers a life of restaurants, bars, cinemas and sports.

Simpson is critical of the way this type of lifestyle cuts people off from the rest of society, with age becoming a new form of segregation. However he accepts that they reflect a desire for an active, experience-filled lifestyle. Simpson admits that there are certain elements that could be applied to a multigenerational urban setting: “The golf cart infrastructure provides a transport network for vehicles slower than cars. This could be replicated as a way of integrating mobility scooters and electric wheelchairs and bicycles. In Denmark and the Netherlands where biking culture is strong, bike lanes are increasingly being used by mobility scooters. It is a way of enabling safe mobility for those not able to walk and not able to drive.”

The US model of retirement communities is increasingly being exported. In China more than a quarter of the population will be over 65 by 2050. The elderly have traditionally been taken care of by the extended family – often with three generations living together. But demographic changes are severely challenging that family unit. The one child policy combined with longer life expectancy means that a typical married couple could be looking after four parents and up to eight grandparents.

There is a rise in assisted living schemes, like the US-designed Merrill Gardens in Shanghai and Harbin. Lead 8 is an architecture and design studio working in the region; their co-founder and director Simon Blore explains that they have worked on new developments in China that are 80-100% geared towards elderly groups. “We attempt to maintain the scale of a typical Chinese village; all needs are met within a short walking distance (the elderly in China do not have cars, and may no longer even use bicycles). Overlaid on this is a system of local health clinics, essential services, open spaces and leisure facilities, which is not so different from assisted living housing, but on a much larger scale.”

Blore has reservations about whether US-style senior living will be widely accepted: “I think most people want to be part of regular society, part of the community, so that probably a challenge internationally – trying to get that balance right – a place with a high level of care and a sense of community and a relationship with the wider society.”

Lead 8 is working on a Malaysian residential complex in Kelana Jaya, near Kuala Lumpur, that could offer a solution. “On each floor there are flats of different sizes next to each other, with a wall that can be taken down. An owner can buy two adjoining apartments – one large and one small. The family lives in the big one with grandparents next door, and they can either be separate or interconnect.”

Integration rather than segregation is advocated by London architect Stephen Witherford. His firm, Witherford, Watson, Mann, will be building a complex of 57 flats for over-75s in Bermondsey, London. The project is based on the traditional almshouse model of charitable housing for pensioners, but updated for the 21stcentury. “Traditionally almshouses were set back behind a fence,” explains Witherford, “but we wanted to create a version that would tackle the problem of isolation. It will have a lounge that opens directly on to the high street.” There will be a cookery school, performance space, rooftop allotment and a workshop. Residents can hold craft fairs, cake sales and perform or watch plays. “The public can come in and get involved. Amenities are nearby and there is a bus stop outside for trips into town.”

Rethinking traditional designs is also a priority for Susanne Clase, an architect with White Arkitekter, who is designing flats for seniors in Gothenburg, Sweden, and including potential residents and home-care professionals in the decision-making. She explains the flats are designed to accommodate regular visits from professional carers who help with personal tasks: “in our design the public and private spaces are reversed. The bedroom and bathroom are by the front door so the carer can access them. The living room and kitchen are at the back and are the resident private space.” Clase believes that designing with ageing in mind is good for everyone. “It important to help people live independently for as long as possible, and to design that in from the beginning rather than make adaptations later on. We already have a high level of accessibility in Sweden. You wont get a permit to build unless you can show that if the resident breaks a leg it wont be a problem. So we are already thinking ahead.”

While Europe may be looking to the future, in Japan the future has already arrived. The country has the oldest population in the world: 33% is over 60, 25% over 65, and 12.5% over 75. “Japan is very aged so the government is prioritising making cites age-friendly,” says Setsuko Saya, head of regional policy at the OECD-led research into ageing in cities. Toyama, where 26% of residents are over 65, has adopted the principle of a compact city – which promotes high density, public transport, walking and cycling. The aim is to avoid the urban sprawl that can be so isolating for those with limited mobility. Despite being on a large area of flat land, which could be developed, the policy is not to expand outwards. A tram circles the city and investment is focused along the tramline and in the city centre, where there are public spaces for people to get together. People live in limited residential areas close to services and with good public transport – so they dont need to drive. Saya points out that it important not to characterise ageing as a problem, and to recognise that these strategies dont just help older people: “The tram connects people as well as transports them. It good for everyone.”

While developing public transport is important, there will always be some unable to access it. A UK report by the International Longevity Centre found that despite transport being free for the over-65s, more than 30% of them dont use the service. In these cases, self-driving cars are put forward as a solution that could “liberate” older people, as a mobility service for those who can no longer drive and are not served by public transport. Google are even “targeting” their self-driving cars to retirees. The city of Suzu in northern Japan has already been trialling the use of self-driving cars to keep older people mobile.

But how will these innovations work in an age of austerity, reduced pensions, later retirement and rising housing costs? Age-friendly design can help us rethink our cities, but how can we make sure these innovations reach the majority of older people? Looking to the future, with millennials expected to be poorer than their baby-boomer parents, young people unable to get on the housing ladder today are unlikely to have equity in old age. Professor Christopher Phillipson of Manchester University believes more political will is needed to make sure age-friendly cities include those hit by austerity and industrial decline: “age friendly cities cost money but in the UK there is less money available for local authorities wanting to take action. There are considerable barriers – given pressures on budgets and limited commitment from policy-makers and developers. In the absence of these the possibility of creating age-friendly environments will be constrained.”

In Manchester, the first UK city to be recognised as age-friendly by the World Health Organisation, the Manchester Institute for Collaborative Research on Ageing (Micra) has been training older people to research what makes an age-friendly city. They found that for most people it was human contact, rather than high-tech gizmos that were important – such as door-to-door community visits for people unable to use public transport. “Manchester is age-friendly because it has strong political leadership and the city supports neighbourhood groups, and works with community leaders,” continues Professor Phillipson. “The most important thing is collaboration across a broad range of interests, not least older people themselves.”

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Manchester Royal Infirmary: ‘Experience Based Design’


At Manchester Royal Infirmary we are committed to ensuring we provide the best possible service to you. We appreciate that when you attend the outpatient department, you may not always have the opportunity to tell us how things have been for you.  We want to work with you to design services that give you the best possible experience.  We are keen to undertake some filmed interviews to understand what really matters to our patients – if you are willing and interested in being involved, please contact Sarah Watson on 0161 701 8115.


On Tuesday 26th April between 1pm and 3pm, Manchester Royal Infirmary is holding an event in the main Outpatient area, for all patients, carers and our teams. This event is part of an on-going project called Experience Based Design which uses patient and staff experiences to ensure hospital services are at their best. During the event, we would love you to offer any feedback you have based on your experience here as well as help us shape improvements we could make in the future. We will have a short video to show you what other patients and staff have said about their experience as well as displays and posters to share ideas. Our staff here will be available to talk to you about the hospital, your experience and suggestions.


This is a real opportunity to get involved with the team here to shape the services we provide and we would be so proud if you could help, given your recent visit to us. So that we can confirm numbers for the event, I would be grateful if you could contact Sarah Watson on 0161 701 8115 to confirm your attendance.

European project will tackle ageing’s impacts

Manchester Met joins €6.5m EU consortium

MANCHESTER Met research is leading the way in tackling the challenge of dementia, hearing and vision loss, and cognition impairment across Europe.

A European-wide consortium – one of the first projects in the European Commission Horizon 2020 research programme – will investigate the impact of these conditions in the elderly.

The five-year €6.5m project, SENSE-Cog, aims to examine this combined impact and develop new tools that could improve quality of life of patients and caregivers, and optimise health and social care services across Europe.

Dr Abebaw Yohannes, Reader in Physiotherapy, is leading SENSE-Cog research at Manchester Met.

Detection, diagnosis, intervention

He will be seeking to:

• To understand the links between hearing, vision, cognitive and emotional systems in various dimensions in elderly Europeans in different communities so as to promote early diagnosis, referral and develop interventions to improve care for elderly Europeans

• To improve the early detection and diagnosis of sensory, cognitive and emotional problems in older people through specially adapted assessment and e-health check tools

• To determine the effectiveness of a newly developed vision and hearing support intervention in improving quality of life and functional ability in people with dementia and their caregivers. In addition, he will be raising awareness and disseminating the findings that sensory health – hearing and vision – is a key feature of mental wellbeing of older people

He said: “Europe is faced with an ageing population and we want to be at the forefront of ensuring elderly people lives are as comfortable as possible and improve their quality of life, while equipping health and social care organisations with the right tools to tackle the challenges ahead.

Perfect storm

“The cumulative impact of dementia, sight and hearing loss, and depression is far greater than each on their own. We want to be able to improve the quality of life in these areas and provide health organisations across Europe with the insight they need to inform decisions around health and social care budgets.”

This project is expected to produce new research, patentable materials and screening tools for vision, hearing and cognition impairment.

The project involves 17 European Union organisations, which includes universities, healthcare service providers, voluntary and non-voluntary organisations and industry.

The consortium is led by the University of Manchester and launched in February.

The Manchester Strategy


If you were one of the tens of thousands reached by our consultation on how to make Manchester into the place youd want to live, work, play and do business in 2025, thank you for being part of such a huge, inspiring response.The strategy is the culmination of that response. People’s commitment to the city, and their desire to see its future success, shine through it, and it a credit to all who contributed including:

  • Manchester residents themselves, in their thousands
  • the city army of volunteers (our city has around 100,000) from tiny clubs to business-scale operations, and community activists
  • a wide non-resident public – some of our city biggest fans – who work in the city or visit to enjoy our varied culture and leisure
  • business and civic leaders from the city and the city region who added their valuable insights, revealing the extent of their own crucial part in delivering Manchester success.

Responses from across the city were many and varied, but a few themes came through again and again. People of Manchester share the desire to see the city do well, to see Manchester use and value its green spaces, to have a clean city with one of the best public transport systems in the world, to preserve its historic buildings and support those in need.

Read more: http://www.manchester.gov.uk/info/500313/the_manchester_strategy