Category: Whalley Range Community Forum
The Whalley Range Community Forum (WRCF) is a voluntary representative residents group formed in 1995 to facilitate and improve communication between members of the community and those who serve/represent Whalley Range.
The Forum act as an umbrella organisation, bringing residents and local services together to address local issues, to promote consultation and community cohesion – and to encourage participation.
The Forum produces a bimonthly newsletter and residents meetings to address local concerns with Police, Councillors, local council and planning officials, sends out a regular email bulletins featuring opportunities, events and news to around 400 residents from Whalley Range – and co-facilitates an annual local community festival.
The Forum worker supports new and emerging groups to access funding to set up their own community groups, holds funds for unconstituted groups and addresses resident priorities by facilitating relevant classes at the JNR8 centre during school term times.
Classes and initiatives for the diverse local community include mixed and women-only ESOL classes, women fitness, Tai Chi, confidence building sessions, basic computer and work club support and art and wellbeing classes and afternoon tea for older residents. JNR8 is also registered as a Third Party Hate Crime Reporting Centre.
The community website features local news and events, consultation links, age-friendly news and current vacancies and opportunities.
Follow @WhalleyRangeorg and @AgeFriendlyWR on Twitter
JNR8 Youth & Community Centre, 82 Cromwell Avenue, Whalley Range, M16 0BG
Tel: 0161 881 3744 | Email:
This year’s Celebrate includes lots of music!
If you would like a street level concert especially for anyone isolated or who has been shielding contact with the name and full contact details of a street coordinator who will meet the musician and show them which houses to play at. First come first served for these fab events
And if you are interested in MUSIC IN UNEXPECTED PLACES come to the mellow sounds of Laurence and the Darley String Quartet at the Carlton Club on Saturday June 19th around 1830. Bring the whole family to Manley Methodist chapel on Egerton Road on Saturday June 12th for an interactive performance of Lanlon in the Wood, by Copilot Claude with his story of Southern Ice, Sea caves and The Castle of mirrors 2pm. There will be concerts at St Margaret’s church too, details will be confirmed on the Celebrate website soon!
Our first confirmed act for Celebrate!
Watch this space for more details, more bands, more art etc – and rest assured we will be following Covid-safe guidelines for all activities…
The Darley Quartet
On Saturday June 19th, Celebrate CONNECTIONS brings you local cellist Laurence and his quartet to play mellow music at The Carlton Cub on Carlton Road in Whalley Range
Early evening time tbc
About Celebrate 2021
We would like to invite you to our 24th Celebrate festival for 2021 – with a difference!
Our theme is Celebrate Connections – and because we haven’t been able to get together for so long, we want to do something positive, all get involved, reconnect and look forward to when we can meet up again.
Of course we couldn’t hold a Festival last year because of the pandemic – and we still can’t hold our usual face-to-face event in the park this year, but we are planning lots of smaller events, activities and workshops between Saturday 12th June – Saturday 19th June – when the weather will be warmer and restrictions may be a little more relaxed…and of course we will be following government guidelines to keep our community safe.
We want to work together to make an Art Trail throughout Whalley Range – so that when people go for their daily walks they will see some inspiring and beautiful colours and will feel more connected to neighbours, friends and family. (maybe send us a photo or two for our gallery in the JNR8 windows!)
Celebrate week 12th – 19th June. We plan to put together Celebrate Connections packs for people who would like to get involved – with a selection of arty-crafty goodies/instructions to decorate your windows and outside your doors. The packs will contain template stencils for you to make beautiful Peace Mandalas, Rangoli patterns or Islamic designs to colour in or using chunky chalks on your doorstep – so people of all ages and abilities can join in! We will also be working with some residents to decorate the front of their houses.
We are planning to have small events and pop-up music and performance at different places during the week – celebrating local talent. There are some amazing musicians, performers and artists in Whalley Range.
And if we are able – a procession or some smaller processions throughout Whalley Range to finish off the week of Celebrate Connections – bringing our community back together again!
We will be working with our groups and facilitators – who can’t run their usual face-to-face workshops – in a number of ways. We have some funding to run small scale workshops and performances to be delivered to small/closed groups leading up to the events – in schools and community centres, housing schemes etc. and will be planning and discussing our offer over the coming weeks.
We have a small budget which we will offer to some of our local community groups who can apply for up to £100 for materials and expenses to run activities that fit in with our theme Celebrate Connections!
On our website during the Celebrate week we will promote (free) interactive, participatory local arts and crafts activities, music performances etc – tell us what you’re planning for that week and we’ll add it to the ‘virtual programme’ Or why not run one of your sessions specifically for the event?
Get in touch if you would like help to run an activity online.
We will also feature and promote health and wellbeing support groups and related activities: are you part of an online meditation group/Tai Chi/Yoga/ etc happening during that week? Why not get more people involved by running a free introduction session or sending us details to include in the ‘programme’?
We would really like to hear your ideas too: what can we do to feel more connected?
We want to work together across Whalley Range: we have a fantastic and diverse range of groups, musicians, community organisations, Faith groups, schools and more. Our mutual aid/street groups have been a lifeline to some of us and have brought people together to share ideas, improve our spaces and support each other.
And at the end of the week – depending on the rules – we are hoping we can have a Community Connections procession or several smaller processions to dress up, play some hand made instruments and wrap up the Festival!
Interested? Contact Chris or Lotte on 0161 881 3744, or
Celebrate Festival 2021: Celebrate Connections
We are doing something different this year!
Click on the headings to find out what this years’ festival is all about – and keep checking this site and our Facebook page for the latest news!
Download the Celebrate Connections Festival Programme here!
Celebrate programme-2021-final
1. About Celebrate 2021
2. Call Out to Artists
3. Celebrate (Musical) Connections
4. The History of Celebrate…
5. Festival Zoom Sessions: getting ready for Celebrate and learn something new!
6. Meet the Artists and contributors
7. Music line-up and Buskers
8. Celebrate Connections on the art trail…
Ways to get involved in the Festival…
Festival Packs
Our free Celebrate Connections festival packs are ready for people to collect from JNR8! (or receive via our volunteers) Art packs, seeding growing packs and wellbeing packs – and decorate your window packs too!
COLLECT ON THURSDAY JUNE 10th – between 10-12 noon
Keep checking this page and Celebrate on Facebook for festival updates!
Latest COVID-19 updates and information from BMHC Manchester City Council and Partners
Here in GM, we’re well known for looking out for each other. That’s why we’re encouraging you to continue wearing your face covering on buses and trains unless you are exempt.
Let’s keep each other safe.
Please carry on helping to keep our city safe as Covid case numbers are high, by:
- Meeting outside ????
- Getting your jabs ????
- Getting tested regularly ????
- Wearing a face covering in busy places ????
- Wash hands regularly
Please remember to have your second dose
Please remember that your second Covid-19 vaccine is just as important as the first.
It helps to provide longer-term protection.
So, when your second appointment is offered, keep doing your bit by keeping it and help to protect you and your family from Covid-19.
If you’ve had your Covid vaccine you still need to keep following the government guidance.
Keep doing your bit with regular Covid testing
We can all take free, rapid Covid-19 tests twice a week.
The tests are available to everyone in. You can keep doing your bit by having rapid tests to keep you and your loved ones safe.
Covid rapid home testing kit instructions available in alternative formats
Instructions for how to use a Covid rapid home testing kit in alternative formats and languages are available from the website
For information in an alternative language, select a language from the top of the webpage. Easy Read and large print formats are also available.
Support for the visually impaired with rapid Covid home testing kits
The Be My Eyes partnership with the Dept of Health helps those with sight loss to complete at home testing through the support of an app and NHS Staff find out more
Just a reminder…
The Assisted Covid Testing Centre (rapid tests for people with no symptoms) based at the Rates Hall in the Manchester Town Hall is re-locating to the Healthwork Head Office, St John Street Manchester M3 4EA from Monday 8 May 2021.
For testing site locations
Self-isolate when you need to
We know self-isolating is hard. But please keep doing your bit and self-isolate if told to do so. It’s important to stopping the spread of Covid-19 and saving lives.
If you need support for things like food or essentials go to
Mental Health Awareness Week
Mental Health Awareness Week is from 10-16 May 2021. For in-the-moment mental health support you can text 85258 to reach SHOUT. SHOUT is silent, confidential and available 24/7. So, no matter where you are, when it is or who you are with support is available through SHOUT by texting 85258.
Eid Mubarak!
Next week sees the end of Ramadan and the start of Eid al-Fitr.
There are no planned events in parks or public spaces this year.
By following the rules around gatherings, you are protecting yourself and loved ones from coronavirus. Happy Eid al-Fitr to everyone celebrating next week.
Remember the golden rules
???? Hands
???? Face
↔ Space
COVID-19 translations and resources
Manchester City Council has developed a range of downloadable public safety information, to support our communities through COVID-19. There are posters, videos and social media assets for you to download in alternative formats and languages.
There are also accessible formats for disabled people on the Breakthrough UK Resource Hub https://breakthrough-uk.
If you need to read the information on this page in another language or to have it spoken back to you please use BrowseAloud.
Health and wellbeing
See available Public Health England and NHS resources
Stay Safe
Hand washing posters are available as a downloadable Zip file in: Arabic, Bangla, Farsi, Gujarati, Kurdish, Punjabi, Somali and Urdu.
Social Distancing posters are available as a zipped file in PDF and JPG formats in: Arabic, Bangla, Chinese, Farsi, French, Gujarati, Polish, Punjabi, Romanian, Somali, Spanish and Urdu.
COVID-19 in other accessible formats
For more COVID-19 information in accessible formats see Breakthrough UK’s COVID Accessible Information Hub.
Community advice leaflet about measures to help prevent the spread of COVID-19
- Advice and information for Manchester communities about the precautions you need to take to help stop the spread of COVID-19.
This information is available to download as an A5 sized document in PDF and JPG formats with Easy Read symbols in the following languages: Arabic, Bangla, Chinese, English, Farsi, French, Gujarati, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Somali, Spanish and Urdu.
Stay Connected Through COVID-19 – Help to get online
Information about getting help to get online is available to download in a zip file in: Arabic, Bangla, Cantonese, Chinese, Czech, Farsi, French, Gujarati, Hindi, Lavarian, Lithuanian, Polish, Punjabi, Romanian, Russain, Slovakian, Somali, Spanish, Swahili, Tigrinya and Urdu.
- Stay Connected through COVID-19 Leaflet English version (PDF)
- Stay Connected through COVID-19 Leaflet alternative formats (PDF/Word Files)
Manchester Community Response Hub
- Information Resources A5 Flyer, A4 Posters and Social Media tiles to download in a Zip file in the following languages
Alternative format languages: Arabic, Bangla, Cantonese, Chinese, Czech, English, Farsi, French, Gujarati, Hindi, Lavarian, Lithuanian, Polish, Punjabi, Romanian, Russain, Slovakian, Somali, Spanish, Swahili, Tigrinya and Urdu.
Community Briefing note and Q&As on COVID vaccinations in Manchester
Information about how the community vaccination for COVID-19 is being organised in Manchester and the city’s Director of Public Health Dave Regan answers community questions about the vaccine.
This Information available to download in PDF format in the following languages:
Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Polish, Romanian, Somali, Spanish, Tigrinya and Yiddish.
Whalley Range Community Forum Annual Report 2020
Age-friendly Whalley Range and Chorlton Celebrate International Older People’s Day 2020
The Age-friendly team walked around some of the benches in Whalley Range (socially distanced of course!) on Thursday 1st of October – to celebrate International Older People’s Day 2020…
See the route at the bottom of this page…
Members of Chorlton Good Neighbours created posters stating positive messages e.g. “I’m ageing fabulously” and statements about how they were marking Older People’s Day.
Some small groups safely visited coffee shops on the day, and held their statements/placards up and took photos – see below.
CGN also held their monthly history talk which happened to fall on the same day.
“We just held our first play street – here’s what made it a success”
Words by Jack Hunter (Walk Ride Whalley Range)
Last Sunday, residents of York Avenue, in Whalley Range, held our first play street. With permission from the council, and help from Walk Ride Whalley Range, we closed our road to through traffic for an afternoon. Residents’ cars were still able to come and go, and the street was open to allow for chat and play.
Despite the rain, it was a really great day, with neighbours sitting out on a road that is more used to seeing speeding cars. Everyone benefited from a day with less traffic on a residential street, and there was lots of opportunity to talk about how we might make our street nicer and safer.
Here’s a few things that made it successful:
Our street has a well used WhatsApp group, originally set up as a mutual aid group during the COVID-19 pandemic. This was really useful to gauge interest and let people know what was happening. We also posted flyers through the doors of residents, as well as those on neighbouring streets and local businesses. Mindful of the mix of people who live in our neighbourhood, someone provided an Urdu translation to go on the flyers.
Because we’d let everyone know, lots of our lovely neighbours then helped in various ways to make it a success. As well as those who helped set up, and those who were road stewards on the day, we had donations of chairs and equipment. Someone helped with printing, someone else with the translation to ensure we were being as inclusive as possible. Others helped post our flyers. It was a brilliant team effort and, because so many people got involved, it was lots of fun.
A play street is not a street party – it’s an experiment, designed to test what your road would be like if it was designed for people, rather than cars. We wanted it to look and feel as though it could be a normal day, not a one-off event. Keeping it low key was also essential given the local lockdown in Manchester – given the rules around gatherings and social distancing, we definitely didn’t want big crowds of people in our road.
There’s lots of interest on our street about how to tackle speeding. The play street was a great opportunity to talk together about what we could do, working with the council where necessary. In the days afterwards, we circulated a short, anonymous survey on our WhatsApp group to get feedback and suggestions for how to improve it next time.
Everyone has been super positive about the day, so we’re already planning our next one in September. If people are up for it, we could even think about doing it much more regularly.
Manchester City Council have recently announced steps to encourage people to hold play streets, including removing the application fee previously attached to similar traffic orders. If you are living in Whalley Range and are interested in organising a play street for your road, email for support and help to make it happen.
If you live elsewhere in Greater Manchester, check our list of local groups, and if there isn’t one where you live then get in touch with Walk Ride GM for support on how to go about finding people who also want to improve their streets and forming a Walk Ride subgroup together –
What’s happening in and around the Range?
Scroll down for: Community events, meetings and festivals, pub quizzes, open mic, classes for little ones, older ones, music nights, litter picks, play activities and opportunities to volunteer and get involved!
1. Local Events
What’s on the Range
If so you need the What’s On the Range Christmas Web Page. What’s on the Range (WOTR) is a new project brought to you by Whalley Range Build Back Greener though the Arts. WOTR links Crafts, Creators, Communities, Cultures and makes Connections between the people of Whalley Range.
Our WOTR Christmas page will highlight the artists, crafts people, cooks, musicians who have lovely stuff to sell as Christmas Presents.
Perhaps you can sell art works? Create an event whereby a musician will play outside a house for a private micro-concert (great gift for neighbours or friends!) Some lovingly hand crafted things? A yoga class? A sample music lesson? A CD of your music or a download?
WOTR is providing this page as a way of putting Whalley Range people in contact with each other. We are not responsible for the buying and selling of goods and services. Everyone needs to make their own decisions about the things on offer here.
If you would like to join in by selling things you create, contact and tell us
We are also conducting an amazing Art Auction on Facebook, poster and two examples attached. Please visit the site to view the art and make a bid?
Read more about the project and view the artwork here:
For almost 20 years, Whalley Range for Peace and Justice (WRPJ) has held a card-writing event in St Margaret’s Church in Whalley Range on the first Saturday in December.
These have been in support of Amnesty International’s “Write for Rights” campaign.
This is a campaign where people are encouraged to write messages of support to people around the world who have suffered injustice.
Or to write to those in authority who could help end the injustices.
This year’s campaign runs from 2nd November until 31st December.
It covers 10 cases of injustice. Amnesty provide information booklets which describe the cases and advise where to write to and what to say.
Your communications may be by post, email or social media. Covid 19 has meant a rethink by WRPJ this year.
If Lockdown#2 ends as stated on December 2nd there will be a card writing event at St Margaret’s Church, Rufford Road, M16 8AE on Saturday 12th December from 12 noon to 5pm.
Numbers will be strictly limited and all social distancing measures that apply to community facilities will be in full force, including a one way system for entry and exit.
There will be 4 ‘sittings’ of one hour each at 12 noon, 1.15, 2.30 and 3.45.
A maximum of 6 people from one household or bubble may sit at a table together. Smaller groups and individuals will be seated in a COVID appropriate fashion.
Masks must be worn in the church by anyone aged 11+ unless you have an exemption.
We cannot replicate the atmosphere of our normal events when we pack well over 100 people into the church at any given point, but some elements will be preserved. For example there will be stalls by Palestine Solidarity Campaign, News from Nowhere and Kimbilio plus the popular second hand bookstall.
There will also be a raffle with prizes donated by local businesses.
Sadly refreshments cannot be served so you will have to bring your own flask!
And there will be no children’s activity table but children are welcome to bring their own activities to do at your table.
If you would like to come along please email
and indicate your preferred time and the names of the people in your party, giving your mobile phone number.
Your preferred time may not be available, but we will do our best.
Find out more here:…/WRPJ-flyer-online-2020.pdf
2. Regular Local Events (Check with venues)
Some say it is the hardest quiz in town, some say it is the weirdest. come join us for a great time in the Carlton Club.
Every 3rd Wednesday in the month.Meet new people and have some midweek fun in our friendly venue with reasonably priced drinks. Bar opens 8pm ,Quiz starts 8.30 prompt and ends around 10.30pm. 4-6 people per team Entry £2 non members: £1 members. prize for winning team plus snowball rollover, with mystery question!
See you soon!
- Conversation Spanish 11-12 at JNR8 Youth & Community Centre, 82 Cromwell Avenue, Whalley Range, M16 0BG £1 donation 0161 881 3744 (back on Friday 28th Feb and Monday 2nd March)
- Health Walk: 9.15am, Alexandra Park, meeting at the Cafe near the lake
- Art Class: 10am – 12.30pm, St Margaret’s Social Centre, Brantingham Rd, Manchester M21 0TT
- Women’s ESOL Term times 10-11am @ JNR8 Community Centre M16 0BG
- Women’s Hatha Yoga Term times 11-12 noon
- Open Door Coffee Morning: 10am, St. James Church, 95 Princess Rd, Manchester M14 4TH
- The Friendship Group: 2.30pm every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month, Whalley Range Methodist Church, 51 Withington Rd M16 7EX
- Women’s Keep Fit 10-11am JNR8 Youth & Community Centre, 82 Cromwell Avenue, Whalley Range M16 0BG
- Coffee Time & Choir Practice: 10.30am – 12.30pm, Whalley Range Methodist Church, 51 Withington Rd M16 7EX
- Conversation & Crafts 11:30-1:30pm JNR8 Youth & Community Centre, 82 Cromwell Avenue, Whalley Range M16 0BG – Wellbeing & Crafts
- Cromwell Community Cuppa 2-3pm JNR8 Youth & Community Centre, 82 Cromwell Avenue, Whalley Range M16 0BG
- Whalley Rangers Fly Tipping/Recycling Action Group meetings: 7 – 8pm on the 3rd Wednesday of each month, Manley Park Play & Community Centre, York Ave, Manchester M16 0AS
- Open Voice Choir: 7.30 – 9pm (term time only), St. Margaret’s Church, Rufford Rd. M16 8AE
- Computer Classes for beginners 10-1pm JNR8 Youth & Community Centre, 82 Cromwell Avenue, Whalley Range M16 0BG Includes 1 hour CV/job support
- Be Well can link you to social and physical activities in your community that can improve your life. Contact your GP surgery for a referral to JNR8 or call 0161 470 7120
- Tai Chi 1:30-2:30 – Local residents, all ages + abilities: £1 donation
- Chair Exercise for low mobility starts Thursday 27/2 at 2:30-3:30pm at JNR8
- Chorlton Good Neighbours coffee morning 10-12, Wilbraham St Ninians Church
Egerton Road South, Chorlton-cum-Hardy
Manchester M21 0XJ - Keep Fit and Stay Healthy Group: 10.45am – 11.45am, Whalley Range Methodist Church, 51 Withington Rd M16 7EX
- AA Meetings: 7 – 8pm, St Margaret’s Church, Rufford Rd. M16 8AE
- Jummaa Friday Prayers: 1.15 pm – 2.15 pm, British Muslim Heritage Centre, College Road, Whalley Range, Manchester, M16 8BP
- Conversation Spanish 10-11 @ JNR8 – learn together group – contact
- Time to Change mental wellbeing support group 6-8pm JNR8 Youth & Community Centre, 82 Cromwell Avenue, Whalley Range M16 0BG Call Carol in advance on 07788855544
- Whalley Rangers Community Garden: 1.30pm – 3.30pm, The Carlton Club
- YSG Youth Club at 82 Cromwell Avenue
- Monthly Whalley Range Climate Action Group meetings
- Beaver Scouts (for boys & girls age 6 to 8 years of age): 11:00 am – 12:00 pm, British Muslim Heritage Centre, College Road, Whalley Range, Manchester, M16 8BP
- Cubs Scouts (for boys & girls age 8 to 10 years of age): 11:00 am – 12:30 pm, British Muslim Heritage Centre, College Road, Whalley Range, Manchester, M16 8BP
- Sizzling Sundays (women’s dance workshops): 3rd Sunday of the month, 11am – 12.30pm, The Carlton Club, Rowan Lodge, 113 Carlton Rd, Manchester, M16 8BE
3. Events Further Afield
Varied live music events at The Nip. Acoustic gigs, Irish music, open mics, special guests, you name it.
For more information find our event page on Facebook.
Be the first to know about news and the latest events here at the Nip and Tipple by following our Facebook and Twitter pages.
Need space for your event?
We can cater for birthdays, engagements or any celebration you might have. Get in touch to discuss your requirements including catering using our contact form or call 0161 8607330.
For regular updates, and to find out how to get involved, join the group below.
5. Exhibitions, Arts and Festivals
LGBT and over 50? Join LGBT Foundation’s Pride in Ageing group and #ComeOUTwithus this month for LGBT History Month ️
View the full list of events at
6. Children’s Events
Whalley Range Climate Action Group – Build Whalley Range Back Better