Updates coming soon!
Dawn Harris – Health Development Coordinator Update
We are Chorlton, Whalley Range and Fallowfield Integrated Neighbourhood Team, bringing health and social care services together in the area and improving health and wellbeing. We are part of Manchester Local Care Organisation.
Be Well meet with residents in various venues.
If you think that you could be helped by ongoing support in the community, rather than just by a medical approach, Be Well can help. They offer support to members of the community on a one-to-one basis to help them achieve goals around their health & wellbeing.
You can speak to your GP surgery and ask to be referred
Read more here:
Your GP surgery online website – FootFall – includes a tab called Wellbeing Centres.
The aim of these sites – which can be accessed via your own surgery – is to enable GPs, health workers and community members know what services are available – including community groups.
FootFall is designed to help patients navigate their way to find help in exactly the way they would if they walked into reception. The home page of FootFall is clearly laid out to help patients manage their health more easily and request advice from a health professional.
The report of the participatory neighbourhood event held in November 2018,
Connecting Chorlton, Fallowfield & Whalley Range
Promoting Cross Sector Neighbourhood Working.
It is intended that this can be used as a resource for people who might want to run similar events and gives details of how the event was initiated and run, and what came out of it on the day and from the action points .
e.g. the development of ward based cross sector groups, new health and wellbeing activities, the continuation of networking lunches, and the establishment of a Self Care and Social Prescribing forum.
The resource includes contact details and links to useful websites.
Click below to read the Report:
Connecting Chorlton Fallowfield Whalley Range Report February 2019 – reduced
Free Wellbeing Courses
Are you living with a long term physical health condition such as diabetes, fibromyalgia, chronic pain, heart disease, etc?
Would you like to learn new skills to manage life’s challenges?
Would you like to learn different ways to manage stress and improve your mood?
Then this course is for you:
Contact: bahf@manchestermind.org or call Ruth on 07527127786 to register for the next course or to find out more
AA Meeting in Whalley Range
Every Thursday there is now an AA meeting in Whalley Range. The meeting will be held in St Margaret’s Church, Rufford Rd., M16 8AE from 7 – 8pm.
Please join us early for tea, coffee, biscuits and fellowship. We need lots of support to create a safe space for everyone.
Please contact Julie at 07854 644008 with any questions or if you would like to do a service.
Are you a patient, carer, partner or family member with experience of cancer?
Do you live in Manchester or have a GP in the city?
Wed love to hear from you!
We are looking for people across the city to take part in the Manchester Macmillan Local Authority Partnership Programme – or the MMLAP for short. The plan is to make long-term changes that will help people affected by cancer get the support they need in the community.
There are three ways you can get involved:
- Take part in meetings and help make decisions
- Give regular feedback over the telephone and/or by email
- Share your experience on an occasional basis
Get in touch with Ali and she will talk to you about the opportunities. Dont worry if you havent done anything like this before or dont have much time to give. We will work around you and what you have to offer. If you have particular needs, we will tailor the experience so you can contribute fully.
We are also interested in hearing from people outside of Manchester who have had experience of sharing their cancer experiences before.
Have your say and help to make a difference!
Ali Davenport
The Manchester Macmillan Local Authority Partnership (MMLAP)
Telephone: 0161 234 3775 / 07966 230008
Email: mmlap@manchester.gov.uk /
Manchester Cares be part of it
Manchester is a wonderful city, with history, influence, innovation and personality at its heart. There’s always so much going on – from new music to new business to new people arriving all the time.
But the city we love is also growing and changing fast, and that can leave some people feeling anonymous, isolated and left behind.
Manchester Cares exists to reduce loneliness amongst older and younger neighbours alike, to improve wellbeing, connection and power, and to bridge the gaps across social, generational and digital divides so people feel part of our changing city rather than left behind by it.
A community network of young professionals and older neighbours hanging out and helping one another in our rapidly changing city.
Find out more at:
Manchester Health and Care Commissioning (MHCC) formed on 1 April 2017. It is a partnership between Manchester City Council and NHS Manchester Clinical Commissioning Group.
The organisations came together to ensure a more joined up and effective approach to commissioning health and social care services for the people of Manchester.
NHS Manchester Clinical Commissioning Group (NHS Manchester CCG) also formed on 1 April 2017, as a result of NHS North, Central and South Manchester Clinical Commissioning Groups merging.
MHCC will be working hard to create A Healthier Manchester, which you can find more about by visiting the Healthier Manchester website www.healthiermanchester.org.
You can also find out more about the individual organisations that make up the MHCC by following the links below to their websites:
What and who are the Community Explorers?
Community Explorers are people who work in the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector (VCSE) organisations in Manchester and have given their time and expertise to work in partnership with NHS North, Central and South Manchester Clinical Commissioning Groups.
By using their knowledge, skills, networks and connections of assets in the community they are able to raise awareness of the on-going experiences and issues that affect local people. It is also an opportunity to develop collaboration between VCSE and public sector organisations.
In return, Manchester Clinical Commissioning Groups works with Community Explorers to actively involve all VCSE services in the development and co-production of services in Manchester. Providing information, data and opportunities for joint funding to build capacity of the VCSE structure to develop and support these local assets.
The aim of the partnership working is to enhance the health and well-being of people living in Manchester and allow local people to take ownership of their health in a way that meets their needs, and maximises their aspirations, skills and abilities using a strength-based approach.
Community Explorers meet monthly and move around each of the localities in north, central and south Manchester.
MICRA Diet and eye health study
Optometry researchers at the University of Manchester are seeking participants for research which examines the link between diet and eye health as we age.
The study is recruiting volunteers aged 40-70 years old with normal vision and good general health
If you would like to be contacted please get in touch with the study team: email Laura Patryas or Elena Rodrigo, or call 0161 306 3878
Together Dementia Support activities
Our Weekly Groups
- Friendship & Activity Group
Mondays 2pm-4pm
Amani Centre, Moss Side
We meet each week to enjoy each other company & have a go at a range of activities- from baking to gardening, snooker and dominoes. Each month we have a singing session and exercise to music. There lots of laughter and fun, everyone is helped to join in. Your relative might like to visit with you but, after that, they can enjoy a short break whilst you attend the group session. - Evening Carers Drop-In Group
Tuesday Evenings, 7-9pm
Chorlton Central Church, Barlow Moor Rd
Set up to support family carers, this group offers a mix of informative sessions & social/ relaxing sessions. You will learn from speakers and other carers how best to support your relative- and how to look after yourself! We have time to listen to your stories- and we can even laugh about some of them! We have an informal session at Christie Fields pub once a month, and twice each month we offer massage appointments so that you can take care of yourself. - Creativity Group
Tuesday, 1.45-3.45pm
Amani Centre, Moss Lane East, M16 7DG
Our creativity group offers a therapeutic environment for those living with dementia and their carers to use their creative flair. We enjoy exploring a range of activities such as pottery, painting, drawing and needle craft. - Walk & Talk Group
Wednesdays 11-12.30pm
The Pavilion Cafe, Alexandra Park
Meeting in the beautifully restored park, the group have a leisurely stroll around the lake, feeding the ducks & observing wildlife. Anyone who wants to walk for longer can do so with our
volunteers. Afterwards, we enjoy refreshments in the park cafe. It great for improving physical and mental health!
Both people with dementia and their relatives are very welcome to join us. Well be there, whatever the weather! - Feel Good Stay Well Club
Wednesdays 1.30-3.30pm,
East & North Manchester
This project is run in partnership with Guinness Housing to offer their tenants and people in the local community a friendship & activity group with an emphasis on keeping physically active. At the Feel Good Stay Well Club, people living with dementia and their carers will be able to meet with other residents for a range of fun activities. - Sonas Group
Wednesdays, 2.30-3.30pm
Laurel Court Care Home, Candleford Rd
Our new weekly Sonas group meetings are a great chance to enjoy fun activities aimed at maintaining communication & social skills. Get involved in singing, seated exercise, percussion
instruments, shoulder massages and lots of smiling! - Didsbury Friendship & Activity Group
Thursdays 10.30-12.30pm, Didsbury Park
This small group is run in partnership with Didsbury Good Neighbours at their lovely cafe in Didsbury Park. We enjoy a range of activities including gardening, walks in the park, games,
arts and crafts, reminiscence and poetry.
Our Monthly Groups
- Together In Song Gospel Choir
Saturdays 3- 4.40pm
Hibiscus Court, Sedgeborough Road, Moss Side
This group offers wonderfully uplifting singing sessions to people from African Caribbean community. With a talented, professional choir leader and volunteers who love to sing and dance. We have a fantastic timetogether! Our group has even sung at the Town Hall and the University. Even if you can no longer sing well, youll enjoy the music, the rhythms, the memories and the company. - Fabulous Forgetful Friends
Influencing Group
Tuesdays, 11.30-1.30pm at various locations
This innovative group offers opportunities for people living with dementia to talk about the challenges they face and their achievements in living well. It also aims to be an influencing group, telling professionals, service providers and the public what we can do and what our particular support needs are. We want to make Manchester even more dementia friendly!
The Adult Education team works with organisations and community groups in Greater Manchester who support people that are facing higher risks of needing first aid in particular crises, including:
> People living with issues around drug and alcohol usage.
> People who are homeless or rough sleepers and at risk of injury or sudden illness
> Adults over 65 who are at more risk of slips, trips and falls.
Our sessions have had all of the technical/clinical language removed to ensure that it is easy to learn and therefore easy to remember in an emergency situation. Each session is designed to meet learners’ needs and is tailored to the environment the learner will be in.
What can you expect from our first aid session?
> Effective, easy to learn first aid education in a relaxed and informal style.
> Fully funded – there is no cost to you.
> Provide relevant first aid skills tailored to the needs of the group.
> Break down the barriers to helping others.
> Build the confidence and willingness to help in a first aid emergency.
> Typically last 2 hours, but flexible depending on number of skills taught.
> Suitable for groups of up to 15 people.
> Participants will receive a pack that covers the skills learned and will be awarded a certificate of learning upon completion.
> Delivered at your venue.
To book a session for your group please complete the attached enquiry form and we will look to confirm a date.
The last page lists the skills, and I would like you to discuss the skills list with the group and choose a selection of 2 – 5 skills prior to the training.
Kind regards,
Hyacinth Lightbourne
Adult Education Coordinator, Everyday First Aid
Manchester, South and Central
0161 888 8902
07545 502079
Internal 13712
If youd like to help us to continue to offer free first aid sessions to people most at risk of accidents and emergencies then please text RCFA99£1, RCFA99£5 or RCFA99£10 to 70070 to donate £1, £5 or £10 respectively. You will be charged for the cost of a normal text plus your donation. 100% of the donation goes to the British Red Cross. We will never sell on your mobile number.
https://www.justgiving.com/BRCteachfirstaid to donate by credit card
Endorsement for our courses:
“ The course has helped to build my confidence and I am certain that should an emergency arise I would step in to helpâ€
Were buzz…the new Manchester Health & Wellbeing Service.
Our aim is simple…to help improve the health and wellbeing of people and communities in Manchester…to help individuals and families live fuller, healthier, happier and longer lives.
Here at buzz, were a hive of activity. As experts in health improvement and self-care, we have the knowledge and expertise to offer the right advice and guidance to help put a spring into people lives.
Our neighbourhood health workers will be busy working in the heart of the community. Well also be offering one to one support, training and working alongside other key health initiatives and partners in the area.
Were buzz… your healthy buzz…your Manchester Health & Wellbeing Service.
Flu and you…
Have you had your flu jab?
Our fab poster was co-designed by residents, Modeled by Councillor Mary Watson 🙂
Contact us for one to display at your venue (A3)
For more details on the flu vaccine please follow these links:
Need advice on how and when to use NHS services?
The website has information for both children and adults.
The information can be translated in over 60 languages.
Would you know what to do if your baby had a febrile seizure? Or if your child choked and back blows didn’t work? Our 2 hour Baby and Child First Aid class covers this and everything else from bumps to CPR. You’ll also take away a Mini First Aid book – all for £20 per person.
Places are limited so pre-booking is essential. Email gemma@minifirstaid.co.uk to book your place.
Pre-crawling babies are very welcome.
If you have a group of six or more people then I can come to you for a private class at a time to suit you. Very popular with antenatal groups and the same price (£20 per person).
FB PAGE FOR REVIEWS:- www.facebook.com/minifirstaidmanchestersouth for recent reviews.
WEBSITE FOR INFO:- http://www.minifirstaid.co.uk
Take two hours for the Mini People in your life and your peace of mind.
Mini First Aid – for the Mini People in your life.
Manchester Shared Lives
LGBT Foundation 2nd floor
5 Richmond St
M1 3HF
Short Description of what we do
PSS is a social enterprise that works across the UK. We have one key purpose: to help people get the most from life, whether this is at home, in their families, in their health and well-being or within their wider support networks.
In 2019 our organisation will celebrate its 100th birthday, but even as the years mount up one thing for sure, were not slowing with age.
As an organisation we developed some of the best known names in community support including Age Concern, the Citizen Advice Bureau and Legal Aid. Today our team is continuing our legacy of innovation. We sit alongside Local Government and NHS services plugging the gaps and providing on the ground support for a wide array of people. Our aim is simple and has been at the heart of what we do for a long time: to make the lives of those we work with better.
A short Description about Shared Lives Manchester (also known as Adult Placement)
Operating in a similar way to Foster care, this service enables adults with disabilities and/or mental health problems to live with a specially recruited carer and their family.
Shared Lives (or Adult Placement as it is also known) is a form of support where vulnerable adults and young people over 16 live at home with a specially recruited and trained carer and their family. The service runs in a similar way to a Foster placement, but this service is specifically designed for adults and young people.
Our service is fully focused around choice and independence. We encourage each individual to get involved in the decision of where they live and plan our matches carefully, so that both the carer and person using the service feel happy before the arrangement is made.
At PSS we manage the service from the start: we recruit and train carers,
we gain a strong understanding of the needs of those wishing to use the
service and alongside those involved we match the two together. We offer
a programme of training and support for our carers, which helps maintain high levels of support and most importantly we are there 24/7 to help our carers along the way.
We have nearly 400 carers across the UK so we can find carers from very specific backgrounds or defined areas if required.
Here in Manchester we are launching a campaign to recruit new carers. Shared Lives carers receive a support fee for their time. The amount they receive varies according to the individuals needs of the person they are caring for. We’re looking for people who want to support others with the flexibility of working from home and being paid a fair wage while meeting new people and changing lives for the better.
Service users also pay a set amount towards the family food budget and household bills and in long term placements they are helped to manage their own tenancy and pay rent, usually through partial or full housing benefit.
Jane Williams is one of our North Wales Shared Lives carers and she lives in home with her husband and three men who live there as part of Shared Lives.
The family are very close and do everything together, whether it be eating, socialising or holidaying.
The family have an array of animals including chickens, dogs, horses and a grey parrot and everyone mucks in to help out with the animals. The men Jane cares for all love to help run the house and they ensure everything ticks over. “I have a big house and had previously worked in a supported landlady role for tenants needing more care. PSS Shared Lives seemed like a natural progression as I had the space, the time and the patience. “I have two men who live with me and a third man who is staying on a temporary basis. We live together as a family and share our lives. The men I care for have families who they see on a regular basis. My husband and I often get invited to their family celebrations and the men come along to our family events. “I couldnt imagine living any other way and I believe that the benefits are huge, really helping to improve quality of life…â€
For Further Information please contact:
Email: sharedlivesmanchester@pss.org.uk
Telephone: 0161 236 1097
Website: www.pss.org.uk
Read the full document with images: PSS Media Pack
Visit the website and take the quiz…
Modern life makes it hard to be healthy
Without knowing it, by the time we reach our 40s and 50s many of us will have dramatically increased our chances of becoming ill later in life. Whether we are eating the wrong things, drinking more than we should, continuing to smoke despite everything we know, or just not being active enough, all of these small things can add up to an unhealthy you.
Making better choices today can have a huge influence on our health, and could prevent diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cancer and heart disease, and reduce our risk of suffering a stroke or living with dementia, disability and frailty in later life. But it’s not easy in our busy lives – tempting treats in easy reach, bigger portions for everything we eat and technology that allows us to shop, stay in touch and be entertained without ever having to leave the sofa. Modern life is ganging up on us.
The good news is we can fight back.
One You is here to help you get back to a healthier you, supporting you to make simple changes towards a longer and happier life. One You provides tools, support and encouragement every step of the way, to help improve your health right away. You are not alone – One You can help you make small changes yourself, or with friends and family.
Take our free One You health quiz to see how you score and start the fight back to a healthier you.
Read more at https://www.nhs.uk/oneyou/about-one-you#rAGEIXC0c3okIT6t.99
Public health
Our responsibility for public health
The council is responsible for promoting and protecting the health and wellbeing of people in the city. We took over this duty from the NHS in April 2013.
We have a range of public health functions, but there are five specific responsibilities described by law. They are:
- Helping protect people from the dangers of communicable diseases and environmental threats.
- Organising and paying for sexual health services.
- Providing specialist public health advice to primary care services: for example GPs and community health professionals.
- Organising and paying for height and weight checks for primary school children.
- Organising and paying for regular health checks for Manchester people.
Examples include giving advice on alcohol and drug misuse, helping people stop smoking, advising on obesity and diet, and promoting physical activity, better nutrition and healthy lifestyle.
We coordinate initiatives to improve mental health, and the health of children and young people, and raise awareness about health at work and preventing injuries.
We also carry out a range of research and intelligence activities to support commissioning and other work designed to tackle the scale of health inequalities found in Manchester, including leading the production of the statutory Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) for Manchester and the publication of a bi-annual Compendia of Statistics.
Who’s Who in North West Health and Social Care
The Who’s Who in Health and Social Care in the North West has been updated as of January 2016. It now includes the NHS Vanguards operating in the North West as well as other amendments. The full listing of contents is as follows:
– Clinical Commissioning Groups
– Commissioning Support Units
– Care Quality Commission
– Directors of Adult Care
– Healthwatch
– NHS England Regional Teams
– Public Health
Presentations from VSNW’s recent Who’s Who in Health Briefing seminar are now available to download
The Local Offer (Disability & Special Educational Needs)

Living Longer Living Better Newsletter
The second newsletter of the Living Longer, Living Better programme is now available. Living Longer, Living Better is the Health and Social Care integration strategy for Manchester. The key project is the development of One Team – 12 patch-based integrated health and social care teams. The project is supported by a practitioner design team and the newsletter gives updates on each of the project work-streams. Macc is represented on a number of the working groups and Mike Wild, the Chief Executive of Macc, was part of the selection panel to appoint a voluntary secotr secondment to the design team. Read more
Read the lasted bulletin from CCG group via the link below.
Please contact the team to join their mailing list and receive the bulletin yourself.

Interested in healthy, nutritious food but not sure about the cooking?
We are thinking of doing a project later this year to run through the winter months about how to eat well and stay healthy in the cold weather, including some practical cook and taste demonstrations. If there is enough interest, we will apply for funding to enable us to run the project.
Our initial thoughts are that the project would be based at JNR8, led by a local nutritional therapist, but we would also like to run sessions at other local venues such as sheltered housing organisations in Whalley Range. The idea is that we could get people together in an informal, friendly way to meet, eat, chat, and get some tips on easy ways to cook for one and how the right foods can help you to stay well through the winter.
As a first step, we would like to know what you think – does this project sound as if it would be of interest to you or are there other ways to do it?
Drop Chris a line at agefriendlywhalleyrange@gmail.com
to register your interest in taking part and put forward any other ideas you might have about food/eating/healthy ageing
Sugar Group – Diabetic Support Group
Support group for people living with diabetes.
Gentle exercise sessions
Awareness sessions
Trips out
Where to Go
Venue address
Kath Locke Centre
123 Moss Lane East
M15 5DD
When is it On?
Date & Time Information
Monday 1pm to 3pm
Other Details
Other Costs
£1 as contribution
Age Range
Who to Contact
0161 455 0211
What To Do When You’re Feeling Unwell – in English, Urdu, Arabic, Punjabi, and Bengali
Videos: http://www.pat.nhs.uk/patients-and-visitors/what-to-do-when-youre-feeling-unwell—videos.htm
Peer to Peer – the Rough Guide to Being Well: upcoming course
Our team of Peer to Peer experts provide a comprehensive overview of the essential steps for a successful recovery. Taking a radical break from the clinical focus of traditional services and placing greater emphasis on shared learning, healthy community, experts by experience and the healing power of the peer relationship, these workshops aim to help participants make the successful journey from stuck, to recovering to thriving.
Venue: A range of workshops will take place in a variety of locations across Greater Manchester. Specific venues to be confirmed
Workshop Programme
1. Meet, Greet and Physical Health
A general introduction and overview of the whole course. A chance for participants to meet each other and the facilitators of the course. This session will also look at how exercise, nutrition and being active can contribute to our mental wellness and how we can gain more support in this area.
2. Foundations of Recovery
Exploring the essential building blocks of the recovery process, the reasons why we are here and how self honesty and reflection can be a vital first step on the road to wellness.
3. Peer Networks
This week we explore how a network of peer support can help us in our recovery. We look at the support in our lives and how useful/appropriate it is and whether further help from other people would be useful.
4. Positive Self Care and Emotional Intelligence
In this session we focus on how we can nurture our recovery through positive self care. We look at self esteem, confidence building and how time and healing are vital components.
This session will also look at the vital role that emotional intelligence can take in staying well. We look at different tools for becoming more aware and managing our thoughts such as counselling, CBT and self help.
5. The Bigger Picture
We look at how being connected to other people and our planet can play a role in our recovery. Exploring spirituality, religion and human connection as well as how nature contributes to our wellness.
6. Value Meaning and Purpose
In this session we explore the different things that can enrich our lives and bring a sense of purpose to our recovery such as creative activity, hobbies, personal interests and education.
7. Helping Others and Emancipation
This session explores how giving to others can help move us into a new stage of recovery. We look at volunteering, work and the roles that we play within our families and social groups.
This week we also look at the social context of mental distress and wellness. We explore how the societies we live in can contribute to stresses and strains on our wellbeing and look at how we can respond to that positively both in both a personal and collective context.
8. Relapse Prevention
In this session we focus on strategies and techniques for staying healthy as well as looking at how we address temporary setbacks in our recovery. This includes looking at tools for resilience and how we can be aware of triggers to potential relapse.
9. Celebration Event
A final session where we reflect on what we have looked at in the whole course and celebrate our learning together. Certificates will be presented to those who have completed the course!
For more information on our Peer to Peer Services, please call 0161 226 3871 or email peertopeer@selfhelpservices.org.uk
The Peer to Peer service has been created with help from The Big Lottery Reaching Communities funding programme.
Recovery Workshop Application Form: Rough Guide Workshop Application Form