Generate our Kitchen

The JNR8 Youth & Community Centre is the weekly base for the Whalley Range Community Forum, Whalley Range Youth Opportunities Association (WRYOA) Whiz Youth Project, Celebrate, Age-friendly Whalley Range & Chorlton and Whalley Range Mental Health & Wellbeing.

The JNR8 centre is a fantastic community resource – and we run a wide range of activities during the week for all ages, including ESOL, fitness, confidence building and social and self-help groups for people to come together to reduce isolation/encourage participation and friendships.

Cookery has always been a big part of our community engagement at JNR8 (our under 12 group even featured on Ready Steady Cook!) and we have a long history of providing community meals and food projects including the Food 4 Us cookery toolkit, Heritage cookery projects and intergenerational recipe sharing.

We are currently fundraising to improve our kitchen – as many of our cookery and nutrition classes have had to be put on hold as the kitchen is not fit for purpose.

Please find the link to our short survey here: 

Our exciting plan is to access funding to turn our current inadequate facilities into a professional kitchen so we can resume all the regular classes – and provide so much more!

We run a work club under the banner Generating Opportunities: a professional kitchen will enable us to provide catering, cooking and nutrition classes to improve skills and employability and projects that use cookery to improve English

In addition we want to resume our shared community meals – such as the successful Come 4 Tea, Festive Feasts and share recipes from around the world.

The Building is lovely – fantastic multi-use hall, storage for our projects, a chill out room, an IT room for computer beginners and improvers, a classroom for learning, teaching, presenting, planning and meeting.

Now look at our existing kitchen…

And look at some of the fantastic projects that go on here:

Imagine what we will all be able to do when we…

Generate our Kitchen!

Please find the link to our short survey here: 

Classes and Activities for adults during the week…

Whalley Range Community Forum

Term time classes and activities at JNR8


Talk English Cafe

Monday 10 -11:30pm

Male/Female Residents with low-level English

Tai Chi

Monday 1:30-2:30

Local residents, all ages + abilities


Women ESOL Practical

Tuesday 10-11am

Women with low-level English skills

Women ESOL Computer class

Tuesday 11-am

Women with low-level English skills: access to free online practice ESOL courses



Finding your Confidence and Motivation for getting into

Work, Training and Volunteering 

Tuesdays from 1-3pm on

April 25th, May 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd & 30th & June 6th 2017

Jobseekers and people moving from benefits and back into Work, Training and Volunteering


Keep Fit for Women only (female instructor)

Weds 10-11am

Afternoon Tea

Wednesdays 2-3pm

Age-friendly Whalley Range:

Local older residents, community events, older people food project, newsletter,


Generating Opportunities: New classes starting again 27th April

Basic Computer class 10-11am

Job search workshop 11-1pm

Thursdays 10-1pm

Local jobseekers


Image result for time to change

 Whalley Range Mental Wellbeing group

Time to Change
Every Friday
6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
JNR8, 82 Cromwell Ave, M16 0BG
Contact: 881 3744 or Carol: 07788855544

Come along to a free, volunteer led, self help mental wellbeing group.
• Music, Art
• Pool and table tennis
• Tai Chi
• Food
• Good Company
It has been the highlight of my week
Wellbeing group member

WRCF Advice/Drop in Local residents Call 0161 881 3744

Hate Crime 3rd Party Reporting – 0161 881 3744


Lots of Volunteering Opportunities in Greater Manchester!

No automatic alt text available.

Volunteer Centre Manchester provides information, support and training to Manchester residents who want to volunteer.

We also support Manchester based organisations who want to recruit volunteers, need help and advice to develop new roles, introduce/update policies and procedures or have a training need.

If you are under 18 please click here for more information on volunteering options which are available to you

Volunteering and Benefits – If you are receiving state benefits you are still allowed to volunteer. This guidance gives an overview of what you need to know before you start volunteering.

Click here to contact us

Get in touchTelephone: 0161 830 4770Freepost NAT4553, Manchester, M60 3BR

Central Manchester Community Explorers – Information for sharing

Please find attached the following information for sharing:


Manchester Suicide Prevention Plan 2017_19

Stakeholder bulletin issue 4 version 4 formatted

ChWR Public Mtgs March 2017 – Flyer V 0 2



Ambition for Ageing eNews

Ambition For Ageing
Creating Age-Friendly communities in Greater Manchester
Happy New Year and welcome to the January 2017 edition of Ambition for Ageing eNews

If you know someone who would like to receive news from us you can share this link to the sign-up page.  If you have any feedback or age-friendly news, events, jobs or funding you’d like to feature please let us know.


In this eNews…                                                                                                


Click here to view the news page on the Ambition for Ageing website


Widespread interest in Ambition for Ageing events for older people in Greater Manchester to shape £2.5million investment in 2017

Ambition for Ageing in Greater Manchester launch the design process for their £2.5million ‘Scaled Programmes’ with an exciting engagement event on 24th January 2017 ‘Growing Older in my Greater Manchester’.  This event (which is now fully booked but operating a waiting list) will draw key priorities for making Greater Manchester more age-friendly, on themes including Information & Communication; Culture; Places & Spaces and Economy.  The programme is looking to engage with older people from a wide range of communities and backgrounds.  To find out more and put your name on the waiting list, visit the events page.


Dedicated support for 50+ shoppers at Asda Bolton

Ambition for Ageing Bolton has partnered with Asda on Blackburn Road, providing training and support for the store to become more age-friendly.  The branch now boasts a dedicated staff member to support shoppers aged 50+ 10 am – 6 pm every Saturday.  Click here for more information on Ambition for Ageing in Bolton or to contact the team.


Stand Up for Sitting Down

Standing Up 4 Sitting Down (#su4sd) is a new national initiative aiming to improve people’s access to their local shops and high street by increasing the amount of seating available to those who need it.  For this reason, Standing Up 4 Sitting Down is calling on retailers and high streets to do their bit to improve the lives of people by providing adequate seating in stores and public spaces.  For more information and to find out how to get involved and show your support for Standing Up 4 Sitting Down click here and watch out for #SU4SD on social media.


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What’s On                                                                                                       

Click here to view all upcoming events currently listed on the Ambition for Ageing website


Wellbeing in Later Life course, starting 18th January 2017.  This 6-week wellbeing and resilience course is free for anyone aged 55+.  The course will run every Wednesday for 6 weeks, 10 am – 12.30 pm starting on 18th January at Levenshulme Inspire, M19 3AR.  For more information contact Ruth: or 07527 127 786.


My Memory Cloud Dementia Workshops – Mondays in January – A project that looks to raise awareness of Dementia in the BME community using media & the creative arts.  Click here for more information.


Let’s Talk about Ageing – 23rd January 2017

Exploring & understanding ageing through laughter, chair based yoga, crafting a ‘Book of Life’, tapping and talking about life and death.  10 am – 3 pm at Mossley Community Centre, OL5 0SG.  For more information contact Paul Oakley on 07554 868 664 or Vanessa Goodwin on 07882 425 651.


Growing Older in my Greater Manchester, Engagement event – 24th January 2017.  Please note this event is now fully booked and operating a waiting list.

This Ambition for Ageing event for people aged 50+ will draw key priorities for making Greater Manchester more age-friendly, on themes including Information & Communication; Culture; Places & Spaces and Economy.  The programme is looking to engage with older people from a wide range of communities and backgrounds.  To find out more and add your name to the waiting list, visit the events page.


Growing Older in My Greater Manchester – Information and Communication workshop.  3rd February 2017

Following the 24th January engagement event, this workshop will focus on Information and Communication.  Click here for more information and to register your interest.


For Later Life Conference – 8th February 2017.  Run by Age UK, For Later Life is a one-day conference that brings 300 professionals and volunteers together to discuss the latest developments in age-related policy and practice.  Click here for more information.


Greater Manchester Ageing Hub Conference – 16th February 2017

The Greater Manchester Ageing Hub is pleased to announce its first conference which will be held on 16 February 2017 at the Museum of Science and Industry.  The event will bring together key policy-makers and social actors in partnership with the World Health Organisation and the Centre for Ageing Better.  For more information click here.


Physical Activity Policy Through the Life Course – 5th April 2017

The seminar will help stakeholders focus their lobby efforts by encouraging a critical examination into how the policy process can lead to more effective distribution of resources.  For more information click here.


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In your area                                                                                                   

Follow the links below to find out more about Ambition for Ageing in the 8 local delivery areas:

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Funding & Support Opportunities                                                              



Sport England – Active Ageing Fund  – Deadline for expressions of interest – 13th February 2017 with amounts between £50,000 – £500,000 available.  Click here for more information.


Sport England – Community Asset Fund  – Opens 30th January 2017 with no current deadline.  Amounts between £1000 – £150,000 available.  Click here for more information.



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Click here to access Ambition for Ageing resources web page 


Innov-Age Magazine 16th Edition – The newest edition of this online publication on ageing, with a focus on cancer.


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Jobs & Volunteering Opportunities                                                            

Ambition for Ageing Contracts Officer, GMCVO –  We’re looking for a skilled Contracts Officer who can shape and manage our commissioning processes and work with partners.

  • Salary: NJC equivalent Points 28 – 31 (starting £24,717) plus 7% pension contribution
  • Closing date for applications: 30th January 2017 at 9 am
  • Click here for more information.

Programme Manager, Greater Manchester Ageing Hub.  **Applications will only be accepted from Greater Manchester Local Authorities and Partners**   Click here for more information.

Services Support Officer / Placement Team Manager / Placement Team Officer / Placement Administrator, Age UK Stockport.  Click here for more information.

Finance Manager / Insurance Arranger, Age UK Tameside.  Click here for more information.

Communications Manager / Programme Support Officer / Administration Assistant, Ageing Better Middlesborough.  Click here for more information.

Learning & Evidence Officer, Bristol Ageing Better.  Click here for more information.

Volunteer, The Reader – An exciting opportunity has arisen for volunteers who would like to deliver a regular Shared Reading session in Care Home and dementia settings throughout Wigan and Leigh.  Click here for more information.

Volunteers, Royal Voluntary Service.  Click here for more information.



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Registered charity no. 504542 and a company limited by guarantee registered in England no. 1223344

St Thomas Centre Ardwick Green North Manchester M12 6FZ

T: 0161 277 1000

Opportunity to influence decision making and be involved in real change to health and wellbeing in south Manchester

Would you like the opportunity to work with healthcare and public sector staff, to influence decision making and be involved in real change to health and wellbeing services in south Manchester?
We are looking for patient and voluntary and community sector representatives from across south Manchester to work alongside health and public sector staff to be involved in a Systems Leadership Programme. Running from January to March 2017, this programme is about how we lead and create change across organisational boundaries and with different sectors when we are not necessarily in charge. At the moment, we all struggle to make resources meet demand and were often trying to find solutions on our own to large and complex problems. Systems Leadership aims to bring organisations together in order to achieve better outcomes.
In south Manchester, University Hospital South Manchester NHS Foundation Trust in partnership with Macc (the local voluntary and community sector support organisation for the city of Manchester), Manchester City Council, registered housing providers and VCSE sector colleagues has recently secured a grant of £20,000 from the NHS North West Leadership Academy to develop a Systems Leadership culture among people interested in health, social care and wellbeing in south Manchester.
This programme will launch on Tuesday 24 January 2017 and will involve a series of masterclasses delivered by national and local leaders, exchange visits, shadowing opportunities, reflective learning and more, and will run until the end of March 2017.
The first masterclass on 24 January 2017 will be held from 10am to 4pm in central Manchester and delivered by Debbie Sorkin, National Director of Systems Leadership at The Leadership Centre, followed by lunch and an afternoon workshop to discuss what we have learnt and how we can work together in South Manchester.
The ambition is to foster a new culture where there is a desire by the public sector, housing providers, local authorities, the voluntary and community sector, healthcare providers and patient leaders to work collaboratively and use creative approaches in order to address the shared challenges that are faced across the community in line with the wider transformational programmes in Manchester. The aim is to help create a health care system for the future and redefine what it means to be healthy and live well.
This programme is open to anyone interested in health and wellbeing in south Manchester and we aim to get a great mix of people from across different sectors and from members of the community who access services in south Manchester.
To register your interest and book a place at the January masterclass, please email Helen Walker at with your name, job title and organisation (if applicable) and why you would like to be involved. Please note that this programme isnt specifically for managers or people already in a formal leadership position. It for anyone willing to work together and make a change.
If you cannot make the first masterclass but would still like to be involved in the programme, please contact Helen. If we receive interest from more than thirty people, we will do our best to make sure that there is equal involvement across sectors and crucially from members of the community that are already accessing services in south Manchester and want to be more involved.
For more information on Systems Leadership, please contact Claire Tomkinson, Macc Wellbeing Development Lead on 0161 834 9823 or at

Alexandra Park Information Point is now open!

The opening of Alexandra Park Information Point


The Friends of Alexandra Park are opening Chorlton Lodge on a regular basis as an information point, from the 18th January.

Initially the Information Point will be open on Wednesdays and Fridays 11.00am until 2.00pm,.

It will be staffed by “Alexandra Park Ambassadors”, who will be on hand to answer questions about what events are happening in the Park, show people around the exhibitions in the Lodge and to welcome visitors to the Park.

So if you’re passing why not pop in!

We will continue this on Wednesdays and Fridays at the same time, each week, with the aim of supplying information on all subjects that relate to the Park, and to show the Alexandra Park Heritage Groups displays on the history of the Park.
We are asking for volunteers to assist me on these days (minimum of 2 people per day), so would all folks who have shown an interest in becoming a Park Ambassador, and anyone else who would be interested in donating some of their time, please contact me as I have a rota that I can add the volunteers names to, for the days that they would be available.  The rota is monthly and runs through to March at the moment.
This is an exciting opportunity for volunteering and learning more about your Park.
The Information Point has a telephone  for any enquiries, it also has an answerphone so folks can leave messages too.
The number is 07375 782337.

The Information Point will be open on Wednesdays and Fridays from 11 am – 2 pm.
Phil Benson-Hannam
Newsletter Editor/Info Point Coordinator