We have an interesting workshop at our JNR8 Warm Hub next week!
Join the team from Let’s Talk Clean Air to talk about your ideas and solutions to air pollution in Whalley Range. You can register your place at
Eventbrite to stay in touch – and it’s also fine for people to just turn up.
Lets Talk Clean Air
Let’s Talk Clean Air update
We hope to see you our launch of the next stage of the Clean Air project to be held on Saturday 14th January at 2.30pm at St Edmunds Church
The launch will be an action packed afternoon. Get the first viewing of our short new film – it’s Whalley Wood!
There will be light refreshments and activities for children. Bring family and friends. All are welcome! Please let us know if you’re coming – ring, email or go to https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/lets-talk-clean-air-film-launch-at-st-edmunds-tickets-483061198047
We are delighted that Afzhal Khan will be there
Workshops looking at solutions will start on 15th January. Several organisations have already signed up. Please make sure yours does, as soon as possible; we are working to a tight timescale.
The workshop can be tailor made to suit your organisations needs eg part of your faith group service or activity! The film can be used to stimulate conversation and we have some exciting group activities to keep everyone engaged. Send an email- TalkCleanAirWR@gmail.com, to let us know, if you want more information.
Huge thanks to the community forum for support with managing the finances.
Our ask of you:
- Keep in touch – email us if you would like our brief updates – TalkCleanAirWR@gmail.com
- Come to the launch and invite your friends, family and neighbours Book now
- Let us know if your organisation or group in Whalley Range might host a conversation about solutions? It might be your business, workplace, community, faith group, a school or GP surgery. Thanks to people who have already shared suggestions.
- If you want to know more about becoming a Let’s Talk Clean Air Champion, get in touch. This group of volunteers will spearhead conversations about solutions in the New Year – there will be different roles to suit people’s skills and availability.
- Watch and share our first video:
- Follow and share our social channels:
o Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TalkCleanAirWR/
o Twitter: @TalkCleanAirWR
Email: TalkCleanAirWR@gmail.com
Tel: Judith: 07792 690 278
- And most important keep talking about clean air !
Cazz, Alex and Judith
The story so far…
A Whalley Range GP cycled to work taking air quality readings on the way. She was shocked to see how high they were. She made a video about it with the Whalley Range Climate Action Group which attracted a lot of local attention.
We started hearing heartbreaking stories about local adults and children with respiratory diseases which may be aggravated by the poor air quality.
The Climate Action Group wanted to do something about it. So did Walk Ride Whalley Range and our local councillors. Solutions need to be as easy as possible and affordable for everyone. Our research showed that involving local people will be critical to success.
We want to know what you think. What drives or motivates you? What barriers do you face? How can we make change work?
The big conversation
We have funding for a big conversation involving as many different people and opinions as possible, to work out how to improve air quality in Whalley Range taking everyone’s views into account.
We will be running workshops across Whalley Range. If you, your group or organisation are interested in finding out more, please get in touch. We would love to hear from you.
For more information:
Watch the video: What’s the Clean Air in Whalley Range project about? – YouTube
Email: TalkCleanAirWR@gmail.com
Tel: Judith on 07792 690 278
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TalkCleanAirWR
Twitter: @TalkCleanAirWR