93274 W&R Contamination PDF Letter for Neighbourhoods_March 2018_HR_WEB
The Litter Picker Walking Club: A quick reminder for anybody, who is new. The Whalley Rangers are supporting people to go out and pick up litter on their own or in groups should anybody get the urge for a random good deed. Dave Saunders is providing people with bags from Manc City Council to collect rubbish, which the bin men will collect in addition to your own grey bin. Dave also has litter pickers, gloves, high viz vests and a safety briefing for anybody taking part. We are using the app LoveCleanStreets to record what we are doing. Under category please select Love where you live and choose I did it myself (hope I got that right this time). The app will send a report to the council and the Whalley Rangers get the credit for supporting people to take action. Please also keep posting on here that you have been out. It will mean others, who go out litter picking will feel encouraged and supported. And if you are walking down the top end of Whalley Road or Rufford Road tonight pls enjoy the clean feeling whilst it lasts.
The following links give information of the WEBS count for Alexandra Park compiled by Tony O’Mahony, local ornithologist and member of the Alexandra Park Wildlife Forum. The lists record the types and numbers of species of birds identified. If you would also like to submit your own sightings to this website, please do so. We also welcome any photos and videos. |
From scraps to spuds! #SundayRoast ????♻️???? #DYK? In Greater Manchester all your food and garden waste gets turned into compost #RecycleWeek ???? pic.twitter.com/O2UlLqemQI
— Recycle for Greater Manchester (@recycle4gm) October 1, 2017
What do shampoo bottles & football shirts have in common? ⚽️⚽️⚽️#RecycleWeek https://t.co/IpsexaJUZe pic.twitter.com/H2BCzH9k9z
— Recycle for Greater Manchester (@recycle4gm) September 30, 2017
Having lasagna for tea? Did you know recycling the two sauce jars would save enough energy to cook your lasagna #RecycleWeek pic.twitter.com/GRQ1c7xLkN
— Recycle for Greater Manchester (@recycle4gm) September 29, 2017
Bins, clean streets and fly-tipping…
MCC: How we spend our budget after listening to you
Our budget reflects what people said matters most in consultation. Bins, clean streets and fly-tipping were top priorities and take up about 12% of our budget spending. See how it spent.
This week, the Council staff who proudly look after our neighbourhoods are using social media to take you behind the scenes to show how they:
- make sure 30million bins are emptied each year
- collect 60,000 tonnes of recycling each year
- track down the fly-tippers and get them to court.
Household waste and recycling
Well empty residents bins about thirty million times next year, which will cost about £15.5million.
Disposing of the non-recyclable waste in those bins will cost some £34.5million, but you can help reduce that. For every 1% increase in recycling, the disposal cost falls by over half a million pounds.
Were already recycling more than ever – from under 32 per cent in 2015/16, to more than 50 per cent this year for those with their own wheelie bins.
That 30 per cent less waste now going into Manchester grey rubbish bins for non-recyclable waste, avoiding more than £7million in waste-disposal costs.
Many thanks if youre already helping with the 60,000 tonnes of recycling we hope to collect this year – youre saving the Council money for the services people tell us they care about, such as parks, social services and libraries.
You can help save more. See which recycling bin to use.
Litter and fly-tipping
People made it clear in our consultation that they care what our streets and neighbourhoods look like. Many are proud of what they already do to help keep their area looking good.
Litter and fly-tipping arent just an insult to people who care and make an effort – they also drain resources from essential services.
So, since 2016, weve invested in a permanent, dedicated fly-tipping action team to investigate the grot spots you report, find evidence, and prosecute offenders.
So far this year there have been 2,353 littering fines, and 67 fly-tippers have cost offenders over £25,000. Weve also used legal notices to get 174 untidy plots of land cleared up.
If you see someone doing the wrong thing, please report it at www.manchester.gov.uk/environment.
Fire risk, are you disposing of your batteries safely?
Manchester Education Centre Open Day – Evening Session
See your recycling in action!
Ever wondered what happens to your recycling after it has been collected?
Here your chance to go behind the scenes at our Materials Recovery Facility at Longley Lane in Manchester to see how your recycling is sorted and separated.
Numbers for each tour are limited so book early to avoid disappointment. You can book a place via telephone or email.
The visits are open to Greater Manchester residents only.
Visitors between 7 and 18 years old must be accompanied by an adult. Sorry no under 7.
This event is free of charge.
Location: Longley Lane, Sharston M22 4RQ
Contact: Education Team (education@recycleforgreatermanchester.com)
Telephone: 0161 770 1792
Report, view, or discuss local problems
(like graffiti, fly tipping, broken paving slabs, or street lighting)
Energy efficiency: advice and checks
Top tips to help you save!
- Turn your heating down by just one degree; it can reduce your fuel bill by 10%;
- Fit a hot water cylinder jacket on your tank, and insulate all hot water pipes;
- Get an energy-efficient boiler – it can save £180 a year;
- Insulate your home – your loft should have at least 250mm (10 inches) of insulation to stop heat escaping;
- Use a draught-proofing seal on doors and windows;
- Use low energy bulbs – they’re cheaper to run and last much longer;
- Draw the curtains when it goes dark to keep in the warmth;
- Look out for the energy-saving logo when you shop for new appliances like a washing machine or fridge;
- Take a shower instead of a bath – it uses just a third of the water;
- Don’t leave your TV and other electric appliances on stand-by, switch them off;
- Making a brew? Only boil the amount of water you need – cuppas taste better when they’re made with fresh water;
- Switch off the lights in rooms you’re not using;
- Save in the kitchen; put lids on saucepans and use just enough water to cover the food; use a microwave to cook small meals; defrost your freezer regularly, so it doesn’t have to work so hard.
- Energy Savings Trust or
- How much energy do you use on household appliances – check the running costs calulator, we do not take any responsibility for the information or accuracy of this calulator.
Help with energy bills
- Help with fuel poverty: if you are struggling to pay your fuel bills or are at risk of being disconnected, you may qualify for a grant of between £30 and £49 which is paid directly onto your pre-paid meter card. If you’ve had a grant in the last 12 months, you can’t apply again. See if you qualify for help with fuel poverty.
- The Warm Home Discount Scheme: if you are on a low income, you may qualify for this one-off discount on your electricity costs, usually paid between October and March. See if you qualify on the government’s website: warm homes discount scheme
- Winter fuel payment: you could get between £100 and £300 tax-free to help pay your heating bills if you were born before 6 January 1952. See if you qualify on the government’s website: winter fuel payment
- Cold Weather Payments: you may get a Cold Weather Payment if youre getting certain benefits, and the local temperature is, or is forecast to be, an average of zero degrees Celsius or below over seven consecutive days. See if you qualify on the government’s website: cold weather payment
Your Food Waste Assistant
Green Bins
You can ask for another green wheelie or small bin if they need one.
Want to recycle more but finding your bins are filling up?
You can order additional recycling bins for free from http://manchester.gov.uk/bins
Report your Environmental problems and concerns here: http://www.manchester.gov.uk/environment
Friend’s of Alexandra Park is a group run by volunteers.
If you have a complaint about any park related issues, like litter, dumping of food, anti-social bahavior or any other Council related matters. Please make a formal complain or enquiry through their website. This is the most effective way to get it dealt with- http://www.manchester.gov.uk/environment
Cleaner – Safer – Greener
You can help keep the park clean and safe by:• disposing of litter responsibly• helping park staff and security by reporting problems• teaching your children how to feed the ducks healthily• ensuring dogs are kept under controlFood Dumping:
We all enjoy the wildlife in the park and especially on the lake.
Unfortunately some people decide to leave large amounts of food in and around the lake. This can be dangerous for wildlife,
pets and children and attracts rats. Rotten food can cause food poisoning and has recently, sadly, caused the death of several pets.
Leaving food in this way is illegal and subject to fines of up to £2,500Feeding the ducks
Feeding the ducks and other wildlife is something we all enjoy, and introduces our children to wildlife in a very special way. but too much white bread is harmful to wildlife and can affect the ecological balance of the lake.
Unfortunately the ducks don’t know this and they will eat bread until they are full. Geese shouldn’t eat bread at all.
Bread has very little nutritious value. Uneaten bread sinks to the bottom of the lake and leads to algae growth which harms
other wildlife in the lake. At this time of year, ducklings, goslings and cygnets need a nutritious and healthy diet.Controlling your dog
Owners are responsible for controlling their dogs. Please bear in mind that some people are nervous of dogs and some cultures prefer not to have direct contact with them.The park is for everyone’s enjoyment and we don’t want to have to use enforcement to ensure people feel safe.
Help us to keep the park: Cleaner – Safer – Greener
Please let park staff know if there is a problem.
1. Reporting problems on the Council’s website at
2. For dumped food or people doing so, aggressive dogs or other anti social behaviour please inform
Park Security on 0161 224 4237Remember for serious criminal activity you can contact the police on 101 or 999.
I didn’t know you could recycle that!
Check your bin collection dates
Enter your street or postcode below to find out when your bins will be collected. You can type just the first four letters of your street if you like.
You can double-check or download your collection calendar by visiting www.manchester.gov.uk/bincollections.
Food Waste Recycling
Food waste including vegetable peelings, turkey bones, and pieces of leftover pudding should be collected in your grey kitchen caddy – using the free compostable liners provided – then leave it outside for collection in the large green wheelie bins with garden waste, or the small green bins for food waste only.
But your groceries can be made to last longer by using leftovers to create tasty new dishes. Imaginative recipes can be found at either www.recycleforgreatermanchester.com or www.lovefoodhatewaste.com
General Recycling
All glass and plastic bottles, sauce or mayonnaise jars, drink cans, used tin foil and foil trays from pies can be put into the brown bin.
Cards, newspapers, magazines, drinks or sauce cartons and cardboard boxes should go into the blue bin. You can also recycle your wrapping paper (but not the foil type wrap please),
Please remember however, that plastic bottles are the only plastic items we can recycle: that means a big “no†to yoghurt pots, fruit punnets, plastic carrier bags and cling film.
If you havent got all of the recycling bins, order them now (free of charge) online www.manchester.gov.uk/recycling . If you live in a block of flats, apartments, halls of residence or sheltered accommodation, please check with your building manager to find out where the recycling bins are, and what arrangements are in place for Christmas Tree recycling.