Greater Manchester is a place where everyone should feel safe to be themselves. No one should face violence, abuse or hatred just because of who they are, who they love, where they’re from, what they look like or what they believe. Hate incidents and hate crime will not be tolerated in Greater Manchester.
There is a lot of great work taking place to tackle hate crime in each area of Greater Manchester but we think we can be more effective if we work together. Which is why we developed our first Greater Manchester Hate Crime Plan in 2019 to prevent and tackle hate crime.
The current Plan looks at
- how we raise awareness
- improve support for victims
- increase the confidence to report
- how we can prevent hate crime from occurring
We are now refreshing this plan for 2024 onwards and want your input to shape the future priorities and focus.
Take part in the hate crime refresh survey and read more about the plan:
Or scan the QR Code
Scam Awareness and Prevention
Which? Consumer Magazine has a great toolkit full of advice to avoid scams – and what to do it you’ve been a victim of a scam.
Age UK has some great advice – and they can visit community settings to alert people to common scams and how to recognise and avoid them
Easy Read Scam Awareness
Domestic Abuse support services, advice and information
Try and keep a mobile phone with you at all times if possible. The police are a key service when in immediate danger. Do not be afraid to call 999 in an emergency.
Silent Solutions
Familiarise yourself with The Silent Solution system. This is a system for victims of domestic abuse who might be afraid of further danger and escalation of harm if they are overheard when calling 999 in an emergency.
When somebody calls 999, an operator will ask which emergency service is required. If the caller is unable to audibly signal to the operator, the call will be forwarded to an operating system.
If 55 is pressed by the caller, the system will detect this. The operator will then transfer the call to the relevant police force as an emergency. Click here to find out more.
National helplines, email, text and live chat support services, and local specialist services, are currently open for business as usual, although their delivery is likely to have to adapt over the coming weeks.
Help and Support
Some local support services in the community may be temporarily suspended. This will mean that some survivors will feel particularly isolated.
If you were accessing counselling that has now been suspended; some counselling services can continue to provide helpline support. For example, Supportline provide a confidential telephone helpline and email counselling service. Particularly to those at risk of abuse or are isolated:
Women’s Aid is continuing to provide the following services:
The Survivors’ Forum is an online resource for survivors of domestic abuse. The Survivors’ forum can be accessed 24/7. This is a place where survivors can support each other and share their experiences.
Women’s Aid Live Chat is currently available Monday to Friday 10- 12pm. This could be a safer way to access some support; particularly if an abuser might also be in the property so it would be unsafe to make a telephone call.
Women’s Aid Email Service is still operating and can also provide support.
For detailed information about national and local support services go to:
For details of helplines, go to:
At Women’s Aid we would always want to encourage a survivor to be as safe as possible when accessing any form of support. It will be really important to familiarise yourself with information and guidance that will help to keep you as safe as possible when using online platforms: https://www.
Looking after children can be particularly difficult challenging when isolating. Family lives have support available including online forums: https://www.
Thinking of Leaving
At the moment leaving might feel particularly difficult and you might be worried about having to leave your home in an emergency. If possible pack an emergency bag for you and your children and keep it somewhere safe. Try to include essential things such as medication, identification, money or cards. Essential clothing for you and your children.
Due to self- isolation staying with family and friends might not be an option. You might be finding it harder to secure a refuge. The Local Authority has a responsibility to give you information about your housing rights.
Shelter provide free confidential housing information, support and legal advice on all housing and homelessness issues. They also have an emergency helpline: www.england.shelter.
A Domestic Violence Protection Order can remove a perpetrator from the residence and from making contact with the survivor for up to 28 days. An Occupation Order is an injunction which removes an abusers’ rights to reside in the family home. Find out more information from Rights of Women:
Child Contact
Child Contact arrangements are of particular concern to many survivors at the moment. Perpetrators have always used child contact arrangements as a tool of coercive and controlling behaviour, and are likely to use COVID-19 as a way to threaten to not adhere to – or flout – contact arrangements. We are also hearing from survivors that the guidance given around ‘isolation’ can feel very unclear. Survivors are concerned that they will be accused of breaching a court order by not allowing contact for example. We recognise that accessing legal advice might be difficult at the moment.
The President of the Family Division has released ‘Guidance on Compliance with Family Court Child Arrangement Orders’ during COVID 19:
The guidance does not include specific advice in cases of domestic abuse, but states that if parents cannot agree to an arrangement they may exercise their parental responsibility and vary the arrangement to one that they consider to be safe. If a contact arrangement is varied as a result of COVID 19, the courts expect alternative arrangements – such as video calls – to be made.
If a survivor has concerns around the family court, it will be useful to take a look at the CAFCASS website for guidance. They are regularly updating their information: https://www.
Be mindful of sharing details such as your address, phone number or email address with your abuser that could compromise your safety. If your abuser turns up at your property without agreement do not allow him in as this could escalate the risk to you and your children. Call 999 if you are feeling threatened.
Welfare Benefits
If you are concerned about your financial situation, you could contact Turn2us. They help people to access the money available to them through welfare benefits and grants. Their website has an income-related benefits checker enabling you to check that you are receiving all of the benefits you are entitled to:
Financial Abuse
Many women experience economic abuse within the context of intimate partner violence. Surviving Economic Abuse can provide information and resources: https://
Your abuser might be using your immigration status against you. If you need some guidance you could contact Immigration Advice service. They can offer expert legal advice on all aspects of immigration, asylum and nationality issues:
The NHS have confirmed that no charges will be made in the diagnosis or treatment of coronavirus (COVID-19). This applies to everyone living in the UK, regardless of your immigration status. No immigration checks are required for testing or treatment for COVID-19, so please access healthcare if you need to:
Southall Black Sisters offer specialist support, advocacy and information to Asian and Afro-Caribbean women suffering abuse: www.
Speakers of other languages
If English is not your first language, you can find information on Coronavirus (COVID 19 ) advice for patients in 21 different languages, Albanian, Dari, Pashto, Portuguese, Bengali, Vietnamese, and Kurdish Sorani is available at the moment, but more languages coming soon, Mandarin, Hindi, Urdu, Arabic, Spanish, Portuguese, Malayalam, Turkish, Farsi, Amharic, Tigrinya and Somali. Click here for more information.
Deaf Hope provides practical and emotional support to deaf women experiencing domestic abuse:
Emergency SMS provides a text message service for deaf, hard of hearing and speech impaired people in the UK to send SMS messages to the UK 999 service where it will be passed to the Police:
Are you worried about a friend, family member or neighbour?
You might be particularly concerned about a family member or a friend at the moment if they will be at home with their abuser. Always encourage them to call 999 in an emergency.
Encourage them to reach out for online support such as Women’s Aid’s Survivors’ Forum, Live Chat or Email.
Do not approach the perpetrator about their behaviour, this could escalate the abuse and put them in further danger. It is also important that you do not put yourself in a dangerous situation.
Keeping your property secure
It pays to secure your home. Insurance companies offer discounts to houses with alarms and good quality locks. It can also help if you’re part of a Home Watch group. Here’s a quick guide to help you improve home security:
- Check your insurance policy to see the level of security required on your home. Check the small print and phone them up if you’re not sure.
External doors and windows
Locks depend on the quality of wood in the door and frame. Consider getting a builder or joiner to secure the door frame to the brickwork before fitting any extra locks.
- Mortice locks add extra protection to your doors. Choose locks that conform to British Standards (BS3621) – or one that has at least five levers. Check the door is thick enough to accept the lock and keep its strength. Speak to a qualified locksmith for advice.
- Mortise bolts are useful, but not suitable on doors you regularly use to leave your house.
- Patio doors can be protected by fitting purpose-made locks or a security bar. Talk to a locksmith for advice.
- French windows: the lock securing one door into the other is only as strong as the door. Fit mortise bolts to the top and bottom of each opening door. Bolts should be fitted to go into the frame – not the other door.
- Window locks that pull the window into the frame with a key are normally stronger.
- Double glazing: check that it’s not just the handle that stops a window from opening. You should need a key to unlock the window. Look for the following British Standards when choosing double glazing: BS 7950 (security performance); BS 7412 (window performance).
For more information, download:
- Master Locksmiths Association guidelines is available here
- Or visit The Master Locksmiths Association website
Window Shock Alarms/0A4174F6128B099F802580AD0039EE62/$File/Sixty-Second-Security.jpg?OpenElement)
- Watch this 60 second video to help keep you and your property that little bit safer. Window Shock Alarms are low cost devices that attach to windows or glass and sound on vibration which is usually enough to deter potential burglars.
- Greater Manchester Police have produced a series of 60 Second Security videos on simple security advice. They provide easy step-by-step tips, including advice on products and how to install and use them, helping to make you and your property that little bit safer.
Door Chimes
- A thief would much rather come and go unnoticed and these types of sneak in burglaries account for around a third of all burglaries. Door Chimes act as a reminder just in case you forget to lock the door or you are distracted, which is easily done.
- Greater Manchester Police have produced a series of 60 Second Security videos on simple security advice. They provide easy step-by-step tips, including advice on products and how to install and use them, helping to make you and your property that little bit safer.
House Keys
- Don’t leave spare keys about your home. They are always best left with a neighbour, friend or relative.
- If a burglar enters your home using your lost or stolen keys you may find you’re not insured. Similarly, if a vehicle is stolen using your keys you may not be insured.
- The best place for a door key is with you or at the side of your bed. The most important rule is that your safety in a fire is more important than property protection.
This is becoming more popular as costs reduce. However, there are many issues to consider before getting CCTV installed in your home. Advice can be found at:
Beware of fire
- Good security is designed to stop burglars getting in – not people getting out. Always close (but don’t lock) internal doors at night. They hold fire at bay and give you valuable time in the event of a fire. Always keep your keys close to make sure you’re not delayed in an emergency. Fit a smoke alarm to give an early fire warning.
What is hate crime?
Hate crime is any crime that is targeted at a person because of hostility or prejudice towards that persons:
Religion or belief
Sexual orientation
Alternative subculture
Trans and gender reassignment
Report hate crime
Call Greater Manchester Police on 101
Call the Manchester City Council’s Hate Crime Report Line on 08000 830 007
Report it to True Vision anonymously
Report it to a Third Party Reporting Centre in South Manchester or North Manchester
Third Party Hate Crime Reporting Centres
Third Party Reporting Centres in South Manchester
JNR8 Youth & Community Centre
82 Cromwell Avenue
Whalley Range
M16 0BG
0161 881 3744
Community on Solid Ground
Welsh Chapel, 116b Egerton Rd North
Whalley Range
M16 0BZ
0161 862 0955
Moss Side Millennium Powerhouse
140 Raby Street
Moss Side Manchester
M14 4SL
0161 226 4335
Mosscare Housing
101 Great Western Street
Moss Side
M14 4AA
0161 226 4211
Places for People
179 Royce Road
M15 5TJ
Southway Housing
Aspen House, 825 Wilmslow Road
M20 2SN
0161 448 4200
The Odd Theatre Company
335 Stretford Road
M15 5ZA
0161 226 1912
Opening hours Monday to Friday 9am – 6pm
Butterflies Trans* Support Community Drop In
49/51 Sidney Street
M1 7HD
The latest issue of GMP’s Partner Bulletin is now available by selecting CTRL & Click on the following link:

Police, local authorities, Greater Manchester Combined Authority, young people and an MP have launched a campaign to stop criminal gangs from grooming children and vulnerable adults to commit crime.
- Young people going missing and travelling to seaside or market towns
- School absence or missing from school
- Money, clothes or accessories which they are unable to account for
- Receiving an excessive amount of texts and phone calls
- Relationships with controlling / older individuals or groups
- Carrying weapons
- Significant decline in school results / performance
- Self-harm or significant changes in emotional wellbeing
Manchester’s Community Safety Strategy & Community Safety in our city.
Our strategy 2018 – 21
After 3 months of consulting with residents, partners, young people and businesses, we are now pleased to make Manchester’s Community Safety Strategy available to download by clicking here
We want to thank everyone who has helped produce the strategy and hope you will agree it shows the commitment from our partners to making Manchester a safer place to live, work and visit.
The Whalley Range Community Forum worker and Chair attended a training course in 2015 to find out more about the JNR8 Youth & Community Centre taking on the role of a Third Party Hate Crime Reporting Centre, in line with Manchester’s Hate Crime Strategy:
The strategy sets out a clear vision for tackling hate crime in Manchester against the following five key partnership priorities:
Prevent hate crime,
Increase the reporting of hate crime and hate incidents,
Take effective action against perpetrators,
Support victims of hate crime,
Improve partnership responses.
The five strands of hate crime set out by the Government which will be recorded and monitored are:
Race, Religion or belief,
Sexual orientation,
Trans and gender reassignment.
Alternative sub culture became the sixth hate crime strand in April 2013.
The Whalley Range Community Forum believe the JNR8 Centre is an ideal venue to support residents who feel they have been a victim of a hate crime or hate incident as we have built up a good relationship with local residents and groups.
There are facilities at the centre to support victims to report incidents on the dedicated website which gives information and an online reporting facility.
(reporting incidents anonymously is an option).
The different levels of a reporting centre can vary depending on resources available from displaying literature, promoting hate crime reporting or providing recording, reporting and signposting to support services.
We aim to display information and support residents if they wish to report incidents online.
This is a list of Third Party Reporting Centres on the South Manchester and North Manchester Divisions:
JNR8 Youth & Community Centre
82 Cromwell Avenue
Whalley Range
M16 0BG
0161 881 3744
Greater Manchester Police have launched a hub for shoppers to make purchases safely online without giving out their home address.
The Internet Purchase Exchange Location scheme has been set up outside the GMP NorthManchester headquarters, in Central Park, where it will be under CCTV surveillance.
It is hoped the hub can act as a place where shoppers can meet to exchange money and goods on websites such as eBay, Craigslist and Gumtree in a safe environment.
Users would not need to give out their home address, with people being able to meet up at the hub to exchange goods.
The idea is currently being trialled in North Manchester, with plans to expand across the region.
GMP said the number of crimes involving people shopping online is rapidly increasing.
The aim of the Internet Purchase Exchange Location is to reduce the risk for shoppers by removing the need for people to give out their home addresses and provide a neutral ground close to police officers.
Police warn of the dangers of Pokemon Go to children
The app allows people to set up a beacon which can then encourage other users to reach a specific venue and police are concerned it could be the latest way online criminals attempt to target victims.
Detective Superintendent Joanne Rawlinson, from GMP’s public protection division, said: We know that criminals move quickly to exploit the latest developments to target victims and Pokemon Go will already be in their sights. There have already been incidents in America where young people are thought to have been targeted through the app.
I would urge parents to speak to their children about the app and the best ways to make sure they stay safe. Talking to your child is one of the best ways to keep them safe.
Online child sexual abuse and grooming is a rapidly growing problem and as part of Project Phoenix we continue to work with other partner agencies to raise awareness of the issues and provide advice and guidance on Internet safety, how to stay safe, spot the signs and how to report offences. Young people, parents, teachers and others need to know what to look for so they can raise concerns.
I ask parents to speak to their children about the sites they visit online, who they talk to and most importantly what to do if they see inappropriate content or are approached by someone that worries them. Advise your child to tell someone they trust and stress they won’t be in trouble. Explain to your child that friends are people that they know in real life not someone they don’t know online.
Parents, make sure you know what your child is doing online and encourage them to talk about any people that approach them online. Everyone needs to keep security settings high and make sure the friends you are talking to online are really your friends.
Advice to users is:
Be cautious about alerting strangers to where you will be in future. Be careful where you leave beacons
Parents, supervise children when using the app
Always pay attention to your surroundings, especially in built up areas
Where possible play with friends and stay in a group
Avoid playing near roads
Play at home You can use lures to attract Pok©mon to you
Keep your device safe You can still play with your phone out of site, it will vibrate when a Pok©mon is near
Don’t play while driving
For more information on child sexual exploitation and who to contact if you have any concerns that a young person you know may be a victim of child sexual exploitation visit
You can also report it to Greater Manchester Police by calling 101 or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. If someone is in immediate danger, dial 999.
Sir Richard Leese, Leader of Manchester City Council, responds to the increase in hate crime in the region.
The route to ending hate crime in Greater Manchester A research and consultation report
About this website
This website provides useful information and practical advice for victims and survivors of crime, and their families. You can use it to find help, regardless of when the crime happened, or whether or not you reported it to the police.
We welcome your feedback on all aspects of the victims journey including your views on this website. We want you to tell us what you like and don’t like so we can change things for the better and help improve services and information.
Have your say
Who we are
The Greater Manchester Victims’ Services website has been put together by Greater Manchester Mayor and Police and Crime Commissioner Tony Lloyd, along with partner agencies.
Working together, we want to radically transform and improve the way victims’ services are delivered in Greater Manchester, putting victims and survivors of crime at the heart of everything we do, including service design and delivery.
The partner agencies involved in this work include:
Greater Manchester Mayor and Police and Crime Commissioner Tony Lloyd
Greater Manchester Police
New Economy
Public Service Reform Team
Victim support services
Greater Manchester’s local criminal justice board
Representatives from NHS England, Public Health and clinical commissioning groups
Local councils and community safety partnerships
Police and Crime Panel
Representatives from voluntary community and social enterprise services
Children’s services and education boards
Crown Prosecution Service
Her Majesty’s Courts and Tribunals Service
National Probation Service
Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service
My vision for local policing: a message from Tony Lloyd
One of my most important jobs is setting the priorities for policing and community safety in Greater Manchester. After speaking to elected representatives, local organisations, community groups, businesses and many individuals across Greater Manchester, I’ve identified six key priorities for policing and community safety. These set out how Greater Manchester Police will work with local councils, health, other agencies and “ most importantly of all “ local people, to make Greater Manchester safer and stronger.
We’ve made a short film to explain the plan which you can see here:
These aren’t really my priorities they belong to us all. Delivering them will be challenging as we face cuts in government finding to our local services. But it is ambitious programme, which I believe we can deliver together.
Ultimately this is about all of us working together to make Greater Manchester even greater. It puts the people of Greater Manchester at its heart.
You can read the plan in full by visiting:
This is an ongoing conversation and, as ever, I would be really pleased to hear your views.
Kind regards
Tony Lloyd
Greater Manchester Mayor, and Police & Crime Commissioner
This brief toolkit on on-line Islamophobia has been put together by TELL MAMA and Dr Imran Awan of Birmingham City University. The leaflet is a self help leaflet to help people to understand on-line Islamophobia and ways of tackling the bigotry, hate and intolerance.
If you use this information leaflet, we would be grateful if you could cite TELL MAMA and Dr Imran Awan.
You can get updates from you local neighbourhood officers through Twitter and Facebook. To find out yours go to
If you have any queries about items in this Bulletin please contact Amanda Coleman, GMP Corporate Communications, on 0161 856 2239.
Greater Manchester Police is asking people to scratch beneath the surface of their relationship and consider whether it is abusive as new coercive control laws come into their second month of implementation.
The new SCRATCH campaign sees officers highlight the new legislation that makes controlling and coercive behaviour a crime – enabling police to pursue arrests and charges, and safeguard victims who may have previously been unable to make a criminal complaint.
During the launch on Thursday 18 February, members of the public will be given SCRATCH cards which, instead of revealing a cash prize, will uncover another layer of control as the sections are scratched away. Officers visiting domestic disputes will also be encouraged to use the scratch cards with victims, to help them understand what constitutes coercive and controlling behaviour.
Assistant Chief Constable at GMP, Robb Potts, said:
There has long been a call for the law to adapt and acknowledge that psychological exploitation in a relationship can be as damaging as physical abuse. Now that the new legislation has come in, our work as a force also needs to develop.
We have already trained over 500 front line officers to deal with reports of this nature and this work will continue over the coming months. As an employer GMP also has a responsibility for the welfare of its staff and as such, we will also be sharing information on the change in the law internally.
It’s really important for us to make the public aware of this change in the law and for people to know that we are taking reports of this type seriously. The SCRATCH campaign will add to our existing work.
Read more at:
We Stand Together against Terrorism
A Solidarity event in support of the Paris Victims was held at the St Margaret’s Centre on Brantingham Road on Wednesday 2nd December to bring different communities together to promote the message “We Stand Together against Terrorism”
Police and Crime Commissioner news
Please find the link to the Police and Crime Commissioner’s annual report for 2014/15.
“It outlines some of the fantastic projects that are making a real difference to the lives of people
across Greater Manchester, as well as outlining the challenges that we face as the austerity agenda continues.
As ever, I welcome any feedback you may have.
Tony Lloyd
Mayor and Police and Crime Commissioner”
Find us on facebook
On Twitter:
Postal address:
Greater Manchester Police and Crime Commissioner
GMP Openshaw Complex, Lawton Street, Openshaw, Manchester M11 2NS
Office location:
Greater Manchester Police and Crime Commissioner
GMP HQ, Central Park, Northampton Road (off Oldham Road)
Manchester M40 5BP
Annual report 2014-2015-interactive
Please see the Eid -ul – Adha Pictures below taken by GMP Publication photographer in Alexandra Park.
Greater Manchester Mayor and Police and Crime Commissioner Tony Lloyd has launched a new website for victims and survivors of crime in Greater Manchester.
The website brings together information about victims services and the criminal justice system under one roof. People can call a helpline, read practical advice and information, or search an online directory to find details of a local support service. All at a time that suits them and regardless of when the crime took place or whether it was reported to police.
The website can be found here:
The website officially launched on 22 October 2015. This is the first version of the site, feedback is being invited from people who have been a victim of crime and other key stakeholders to make improvements in the coming weeks and months.
Putting victims of crime at the heart of service design and delivery
Tony is responsible for commissioning services for victims and survivors of crime in Greater Manchester. This website is just the first step in a journey which designed to radically transform the way victims services are delivered in Greater Manchester, putting victims and survivors of crime at the heart of service design and delivery.
If you would like more information, or have any feedback on the site, contact Kate Leach on 0161 793 3020 or email:
GMP have developed a short survey for people who have either personally experienced hate crime, or know someone who has.
The survey covers issues around reporting hate crime and supporting people who have been affected by
it. It can be accessed by following this link:
It will take about 5 minutes to complete and responses are anonymous.
We’d really appreciate it if you would pass this on to anyone you know who may be interested, as well as sharing on your social media.
Time to change
GMP pledged its commitment to challenging mental health stigma and promoting positive wellbeing among staff and officers on 12 October. The MIND Blue Light Time to Change Pledge was signed by Force Wellbeing Lead Chief Superintendent Zoe Sheard. It is supported by an action plan which states the Forces commitment to deliver a number of activities that will support the mental welfare of those within the organisation.
Representatives for wellbeing from across the Force were invited to a launch event, where they heard testimonials from their colleagues and were shown a message of support recorded by presenter and chair of MIND, Stephen Fry.
Local updates
You can get updates from you local neighbourhood officers through Twitter and Facebook. To find out yours go to:-
If you have any queries about items in this Bulletin please contact Amanda Coleman, GMP Corporate Communications, on 0161 856 2239.
Ramadan in focus
A short series of videos have been produced to give people an insight into the challenges faced by colleagues observing Ramadan alongside their policing duties. The first video features PCSO Ahmed Farooqi from the South Manchester Division. Click here to watch.
Deputy Chief Constable Ian Hopkins said: Hopefully the videos will give an insight into what observing Ramadan means for our colleagues and help to give a better understanding to those of us of a different faith or no faith. I think it is really important that we all try to understand the differences that collectively make GMP and our communities stronger.
Whalley Range Interfaith meeting at St Margarets Centre, 14th May 2015
Our Whalley Range PCSO – Ahmed Farooqi – recently met with Rev. Robert Boulter from St Margaret’s Church who has been involved with interfaith groups for many years.
Ahmed invited local Church Leaders, Mosque Imams, Sikh Temple Leader and Hindu Temple Priest to meet with representatives from local faith organisations, community groups and youth workers: 15 people attended this meeting from St Margaret’s and St Edmunds Church, Zakariya/Minhaj-ul-Quran Mosque/ Jamia Rasoolia Islamic Centre and Sri Guru Govind Singh Gurdwara / Gita Bhavan Hindu Temple.
See the photos below demonstrating the We Stand Together initiative: Ahmed’s hope is that representatives from the Mosques, Churches and Sikh Temples will meet once a month to get to know each other and interact, ultimately to work with the local community groups, moving the meeting every month from Mosque to Church to Sikh Temple and Hindu Temple.
Please see link below to the Fifth newsletter for We Stand Together which continues to reflect the hard work within the communities.
We stand together Newsletter 5
This week’s newsletter has it’s spotlight on the Rochdale borough We Stand Together Event which had a fantastic turn out. You can read more about it by clicking on the links below:
Manchester Evening News Article (Click Here)
Rochdale Online Article (Click Here)
We have seen a good amount of tweets and images on twitter, remember when tweeting about We Stand Together to include the hashtag (#WeStandTogether) This way we can see whats new and can include these in future newsletters.
If you have any events planned please forward the details to our team. If you want some advice on setting up an event please don’t hesitate to contact the We Stand Together project team by e-mailing We can provide banners and some literature if necessary.
Greater Manchester Police
City Of Manchester Partnership Team
Level 1
Town Hall Extension Building
Lloyd Street
M2 5DB
To contact the police in an emergency call 999 or to contact Greater Manchester Police for a less urgent matter call 101.
For the latest news and information about your Neighbourhood Policing Team visit You can also follow us on Twitter: or find us on , or
You can find your local policing team on social media at
Download our smartphone app from the App Store or Google Play
Fourth edition of the We Stand Together Newsletter.
We stand together Newsletter 4
The hard efforts by the community continue and we are seeing some great outcomes. Please continue to promote We Stand Together and the Hashtag for Social Media so we can use the stories in the coming newsletters.
If you have any events planned please forward the details to our team. If you want some advice on setting up an event please don’t hesitate to contact the We Stand Together project team by e-mailing We can provide banners and some literature if necessary.
Thank you
Kind Regards
To celebrate our difference
Against hatred and intolerance
To build a safer and stronger United Kingdom
To contact the police in an emergency call 999 or to contact Greater Manchester Police for a less urgent matter call 101.
For the latest news and information about your Neighbourhood Policing Team visit You can also follow us on Twitter: or find us on Facebook:
You can find your local policing team on social media at
Download our smartphone app from the App Store or Google Play